Abilene Christian University Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about Abilene Christian University?


I brag about the interior design program that I am currently in. It's challenging, but they teach you well, making sure the students have a solid foundation, and most of the teachers care deeply for the the student's success.


I always brag about ACU's Justice and Urban Studies Team, we are a team living on site in Dallas while learning about urban poverty and the racial history of Dallas. On top of taking a full course load we are also creating projects and programs to combat urban poverty and social issues in Dallas. My project has been creating a shame resilience curriculum based off of a book titled Daring Greatly, we are planning to implement this curriculum in a faith-based reentry program for a beta test in the next few months.


I brag about how beautiful my campus is. I love walking to class everday because of the scenery I get to see. I also brag about the Christian environment. I attend a public christian school. We have chapel everyday and to be honest it really just makes my day to be in this surronding. No one is judged for their faith because majority of the campus has the same faith. I love this campus so much and can't picture myself anywhere else.


I brag most about the academics at Abilene Christian University. We have professors who care deeply about us and pray for us when we need it. The professors are always available to talk to academically and personally. Being able to connect with your professors creates an environment that is easy for students to discuss new ideas and research. At ACU, we are blessed to receive a liberal arts education when earning our degree. With this education we can understand the world around us and apply our degree in the real world.


Abilene Christian University makes me brag about several things because there are many aspects that I enjoy about my school. For instance, I love how my school is laid out because it is a medium sized campus. One of the reasons why I enjoy this is because it's small enough that I do not have to run to my next class. Also, by having a smaller campus, I recognize people that I know every day and get to interact with them more than if I were on a bigger campus. I love my school!


I brag about how happy I am to finally experience an atmosphere where everyone loves God and wants to pursue God, specifically, including Him in their education. Education is important to me, but my relationship with God is of the upmost importance: bringing those together is perfect for me.


They have the highest acceptance rate in the nation to medical school.


My professors encouraged me to become a better critical thinker, helping me to consider multiple perspectives. At the same time, each course considered the Christian perspective on the subject matter when appropriate. Also, I loved the chapel experience. The daily worship was a central experience in my time at ACU.


I brag that all my teachers at the school are very friendly and helpful. They seem to really care about how you do and you are not just a number to them in your classes.


I brag the most about the quality of education. The high level of accredidation and success rates within COBA are wonderful, so I am always excited about that.


when im telling my friends about this school i mainly brag about the free moive showing and the big purple marching band.


The football team


It has a great positive Christian environment filled with diverse and wonderful people.


The environment and the activities I did.


IT'S Godly atmosphere


I brag about the acceptance rate our school has for students applying to both medical and dental school.


The football team, the education i got, and the social life on campus.


That it is highly ranked and grad schools will look at excellence of my education


The small class sizes and individual attention that students receive from professors in most courses. My smallest class has 7 people in it, and my largest has 30. My professors frequently invite their classes to their homes for parties, meals or just to hang out, and they're constantly checking in on them. Faculty is genuinely concerned with students' well-being and success in all aspects of life, not just their classwork or grades.


Relationships with friends, peers, faculty, and alumni.