It is pretty expensive
The worst thing about ACU is that it is Church of Christ.
Financial resources to pay for school is very taxing on myself and family.
The worst thing about Abilene Christian University is the expense the school expects. Always raising their prices, but try to feature a culturativated school. So majority of the students are their paying for school and unable to afford it or there stressed because of the price they fail to focus on the grades. Most importantly they fail to give direct advice on aides.
I feel like there are to many fake people who go to this school and wish it was more of an open school on some census.
I enjoy by school too much too pick something I don't like. Chapel is the main thing, but its not really a huge deal.
Lack of involvement of students not in social clubs. Really the only social aspect the school is involved in is for those who are in a social club.
I honestly cannot think of a bad thing about this school
Odd rules like no dancing unless it is some type of cultural dance. The meal plan situation; the meal plans are pretty unfair. You can only use your meal plans during certain times and you are only allowed to get certain things with your meal plan. We pay the money for our meal plan we should be able to use them when we want and get what we want with them.
The Christian denomination of the school is Church of Christ, so you might feel as if there is a certain bias of the professors when teaching Biblical principles, but they are very open to different ideas and accepting beliefs that are different than their own.
The worst thing about my school would be the visitation policy. Boys and girls can only be in eachothers room on thursday nights form 7-11
Probably the worst thing is the fact that it's so expensive and there's not a whole lot of financial aid for those in my situation (one income, homeschooled family). Where I know of at least two of my friends that got full or half tuition scholarships that could have afforded to pay for a lot more than my family can. The experience is worth every penny, but each year it's a struggle to figure out how we're going to pay for my education.
The only thing I don't like about this school is the fact that the the tutiton is too high. When ACU recurtited me they didn't offer me any type of scolarship I had to earn it. Since I'm a indepent student I got all me aid but I still can't pay for it because I cant find anyone to co-sign for my financal needs. If they did a better trying to help me out on my tution then I would have no problem. I'm just here to better my life for the future.