Abilene Christian University Top Questions

What kind of person should not attend Abilene Christian University?


The kind of person that should not attend Abilene Christian University (ACU) is someone who's life has not included religion in a major way because being thrown into a place where chapel and a Bible class is required could be a little too much for that person to handle. Atheists shouldn't attend ACU either because it's a heavily religious school, unless they want to convert others to their ways. Overall, ACU is a fairly liberal Christian private university, so anyone who isn't used to that should not attend.


The kind of person that shouldn't attend this school is someone that doesn't want to be in small classrooms. Our student to teacher ratio is small so someone that doesn't like that shouldn't attend ACU.


Everyone in the school is welcomed. people of all religoins an draces are aceppted, even though it is not the way of the univesity, the univeristy is very good at adapting to people that are diffrent form them. So shouldn't look into the college is someone that is not really, into the college idea, of working hard, because this school requires a huge work ethic.


I really and truly believe anyone can and should attend Abilene Christian University. If someone is not a Christian before walking onto campus, it is very likely that they will make a life changing choice to give their life to Christ before graduating. The atmosphere at ACU is unlike anything I've experienced before. People genuinely care about you as a person and I find that to be a special characteristic. This school has changed my life in more ways than I could have ever seen coming. The Lord is undoubtedly present on campus and in our lives.


I do not think that any kind of person should not attend this school. Although it is faith-centered, I believe that this school has a diverse enough community that applies to all walks of life. If the school suits most of one's needs, then they should attend that school.


Someone who wants a small campus, small class sizes, and professors who care about their students. They should want a wholesome environment and nice people.


The classes at Abilene Christian University prepare you for the real world and the professors prepare you for your further classes. Different courses can be more challenging than others so some students may have to work a little harder than others but in the long run Abilene Christian gets you prepared. Students who aren't willing to put in the time to work, study, and who aren't willing to ask questions when they don't understand would not do well.


anyone who doesn't want to go to chapel everyday and fail bible. Bible is the hardest class i have ever taken and i am currently failing it. it also sucks to have to go to chapel everyday unless you are a hard core christian.


Anyone who does not receive some significant financial aid. Friends of mine who attended there for four years had upwards of 75,000 in debt after they graduated. Anyone who is not of a Christian affiliation should also consider other alternatives, as the school tends to be very elite about its Christian status.


If you are very liberal or non-Christian this school can be very intimidating. Often students who are different than the traditional Church of Christ member feel awkward and neglected by the school. Mainly this results from the required chapel everyday and Bible class where many speakers assume students all believe very similar things.


People who despise and do not believe in God and Jesus Christ should probably not attend Abilene Christian University. ACU is very straight forward in its representation of the school; it has a dedication to preparing its students for life after college in their profession and a dedication to preparing them for Christian service and leadership. From the beginning, you are told ACU is a Christian school and they stand by it in every aspect.


The type of person who is very antisocial because everybody at this university is very sociable.


ACU is for those interested in recieving a liberal arts education in an open yet conservative atmosphere. There is a strong Christian influence, so it would be preferable for an atendee to prefer or not mind a spiritual focus. The atmosphere is fun with a special focus in servant leadership.


People who aren't Christian or religious, people who don't like following rules/dress code, people who have issues with following attendance policies, people with substantial financial issues (such as myself), people who want to go to school in a bigger town, people who want more difersity among their classmates, and people who don't like living on campus (since you have to live on campus for at least the first two years).


Someone who isnt interested in the program they are in


People with a lack of commitment to themselves.


ACU does an excellant job of being accepting and tolerant of all races, religions, and sexual orientations. I am always overwhelmingly surprised by their support and openness to sharing life with people from all corners of the world and taking full advantage of what other's experiences can teach us.


A very liberal, non-religious person should not attend this school.


A person who has a problem with an administration who does what they want based upon alumni and the large donors, rather than students. An outspoken person.


If you are not a christian it may be difficult for you to like it