Academy of Art University Top Questions

Here's your chance: Say anything about Academy of Art University!


The academy of Arts is a very interactive school. All the teachers and workers are very into helping and making sure that all the students have what they need and are ready to get going on there school work. The school is very much into the students learning and having them hands on everything! This honestly is a wonderful school that is best to other schools that i know of. They are also willing to help in any way to get you to be able to pay for the school and the items you need for your classes!


Academy of Art University is unique in the aspect that they have many online degree programs for students. Being able to obtain a degree online opens up different prospects and careers for potential students.


There is more hands on activities & classes and it is right in the city. There are so many art galleries within the school and out in the city to experience.


Most universities do not allow college freshmen to attend classes online, The Academy of Art University does. The online classes allow me to work from home, and this gives me more time to get other things done quicker. This university doesn't load my class schedule with classes that I do not need. The only classes required are those in my field of study, and this allows me to stay focus and on task.


This school is very hands on, from the very beginning of your enrollment. Classes are small so you get a lot of attention and help from the instructors. All the software and programs are all up to date. Labs and equipments are not notch and readily available for student uses. Another great thing is our spring show; where big name studios, corporations, and recruiters from all over come and hire students right on the spot. Also, the envionment the school provides is just perfect for artist and student alike.


Most unique thing about my school is how student from different majors have to constantley work together.


The unique thing about the Academy is that it is an art school where you get an actual degree but the programs were designed by artists themselves and the professors are actual artists themselves and not just people with a teaching degree like in high school.


San Francisco is a very diverse and lively city. You can focus on honing in on your fine art skills versus other colleges where you are spread very thin.


Location and choice of career choices


Academy of Art University is the largest art school in the country, yet it has the ability to keep the class sizes small making it a much more personal experience in the class room.