Academy of Art University Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about Academy of Art University?


Very flexible. I work on my own time.


class projects


Teachers, assignments


I usually say i've got a lot of homework...


Being that I am from Miami, FL. most of my friends and I had dreamt about what California would be like, to go from coast to coast. Now that I live in San Francisco as well as in the heart of downtown San Francisco I don't pass up the chance to tell my friends where I live and that my school is all around me. The Academy of Art has campuses all over the city and I don't pass up the chace to mention some of the places where the campuses are located.


How much I am learning, how cool and fun the entire experience is and how far my skills have developed in just 2 years time, as well as how lucky I am to be pursuing a career path that is truly fulfilling to me.