Certain clubs on campus are more popular then others. Greek life is small compared to other schools but popular on Adelphi's campus. Circle K is one of the largest clubs on campus. There you will be guaranteed to meet a ton of people.
Certain Building are more friendly than others. Regrading the dorms, Chapman hall have a more open door feel. While the upper class-men buildings such as new hall are like hotels where you don't talk to anyone but your roommate and friends. I recommend living in Chapman as a freshmen and once you find your group moving into the nicer, but less friendly building. I meet my closest friends in Chapman Hall.
The most popular play to be on the nights out are the local bars. You will see everyone there. If not the bars the at A&S or cherry valley, the local 24 hour study break or drunken food places. If your not someone who drinks, don't worry, these bars are fun for you too. It is just an easy place to see everyone. Otherwise you and your friends can hangout in the dorms, go out to dinner, see a movie, or maybe go to the mall. Remember New York City is just a 40 minute train ride away. You'll find something to do.
There are so many things to look forward to at Adelphi. The spring concert by far is my favorite. My freshmen year we had snoop dog and my sophomore year we had Taking Back Sunday, I can't wait for next year.
One of the things I also love about Adelphi activities is the discount Broadway tickets Adelphi sells. I saw wicked last year for 40 dollars including bus fare. It was great.
There are many popular organizations on campus. Depending on what you like there is Student government Association, Student Activities Board, Commuter Student Organization, C.A.L.I.B.E.R., and Circle K. All of these organizations are campus wide known due to their high activity level. Student Government Association helps you voice the opinions of your fellow classmates along with changing whatever you can at Adelphi to improve it. Student Activities Board sets up the events such as the comedy show, spring concert, and themed parties that are held almost every month. C.A.L.I.B.E.R. and Circle K are both organizations that are based on volunteering and helping the community.
The most popular clubs are community service organizations such as Circle K or C.A.L.I.B.E.R. Student government is usually also very big, in which i am a senator representing my dorm hall. I am also a part of LASO whih stands for Latin American Student Organization. All clubs and organizations are open to everyone to join, and even though LASO is latin based, we are a very multicultural group. Some students choose to leave their dorm room open, such as how i do. Because we all know eachother and everyone is aware that we are all friends and can speak to eachother at any time. Fraternities and Sororities are not very important in my school because there are many things you can get involved in and make friends in, that is not only possible if you join greek life.
The most popular student groups on campus are Circle K and SAB. Circle K is a group that does a lot of community service and holds events to raise money for other charities and programs. There are so many students involved in Circle K that are also part of various other groups such as C.A.L.I.B.E.R which is another community service club that works in similar ways at Circle K. SAB, student activities board is the committee that works on student events on campus. This is also one of the major clubs on campus that many are involved in. I am involved in a few clubs including Amnesty International, Student Government Association, and Step team. Athletic events are a lot of fun to go to and many take place on campus such as volleyball games, baseball games, and soccer games as well as many others. There are also a variety of guest speakers that come to Adelphi such as book authors, doctors in their specialized fields, etc. I met my closest friends through these clubs as well as my dorm hall. My building is very tight-knit and everyone knows everyone else through Cat Cup events which is the halls competing against each other to win a trophy. There's always something to do on campus. There are events weekly in halls, events in the UC lobby, as well as various other locations on campus. Adelphi University is also 15 minutes away from Roosevelt field mall as well as other stores such as TJ Max, target, Wal-Mart and much more. There's also a shuttle bus that leaves at certain times and can drop you off at select locations and pick you up from there as well. People usually go out to party on Thursday nights as places nearby.