i relly dont know what i would say
Like many people, we are left to make our own decisions in order to acquiesce the notion that we must "grow up" on our own. I know some families have older siblings or parents they can look to, unfortunately I could not have that option. My parents weren't born here but they now US Citizens and my father for not having a college education has done very well as an entrepreneur of his own business now for the past 30 years. I went into Adelphi University thinking I would be much interested in Physic with the co-op program of going to Colombia University for a MS in engineering. Unfortunately I had a stroke of bad luck in my love life which caused me to fall into a bit of depression and have my grades slip. I was so discouraged I didn't apply for the co-op program and so I truly regret holding my heart on my sleeve now for a 3 yr relationship with someone I thought would always be there over my potential career choice. I am however proud to say I'm almost done with an MS from NYIT in Energy Management.
I would have gone to community college because it is much cheaper and I see now that I could have made a more informed decision on the school I wanted to attend and still get a good education at a reasonable price.
I would say, to go straight to college right after graduating high school. Don't waste time. Take on as much credits--go full time. then continue on until you reach masters. Do it all while your young--focus--know what you want to do or be. Take on a couple different degrees so you always have a back-up. Pick degrees in areas of work that are in demand!!! Protect yourself from failing or bad economic times--know you will always have a way to support you & family no matter what the situation.
Visit! Speak to current students. Sit in on a class. Don't take brouchures as accurate authorities for describing an institution.
You really need to visit colleges before you pick one. Every college will put the best they've got in their pamphlets, but there is no way to capture the vibe of a place in pictures and guarantees. Most campuses I visited were beautiful, with trees and flowers and picturesque views; but the one I chose had the friendliest people as well--and adorable bunnies bouncing across the landscape, to top it off.
Also, don't settle for a place just for financial reasons. If you are a hard enough worker to go to college, there will be scholarships out there for you. Look further than the school for these; I have become closer to my community by applying for and receiving scholarship from local donors.
Last, taste the food. It could be a deal-breaker!
Finding the "right college" will certainly be the most life-altering decision anyone will ever make. In simpler terms, it will be the next chapter of your life. In more complex terms, it will further define who you are and pave the path to your future. When deciding on the right college, there are many factors are involved such as the cost of tuition. As much as MIT or Harvard seems wonderful, many of us have to be realistic and accept that there are less expensive schools that are just as prestigious. Another factor is the variety of courses/programs available for your major. Find the best one that offers courses that will be useful to your career. The size of the school is also important. Some students perform better in small classrooms than in a grand lecture hall where the professor barely notices half the class in the back. Once you find the right college, make the most of the experience. Acquaint yourself with your professors and peers. Get involved in sports and clubs. Everyone you meet will create some form of impact on your life that will help develop and discover a new part of yourself to blossom.
Make sure you feel comfortable with the campus and the students since it is going to be your home away from home! Don't just take a tour of the campuses that you like, take the time to walk around and talk to current students. By doing that you really get honest opinions and stories about the school and you see what a typical day on campus is like. When you finally make your choice be confident about it! You worked hard to get to that point, so make sure you celebrate your accomplishment! (Parents - make sure you support your child's choice because they will be nervous about it. Smiles and encouraging words mean a lot!) When you finally get to campus make sure you get involved. Everyone else is nervous to begin this new chapter too and it will be easy to make great friends! Although it is important to be social, make sure you also keep track of your assignments. It may be a little overwhelming at first, but with the help of your family and friends you will find your niche on campus. Enjoy your time in college - you can do this! Best of luck!!!!
Students should not choose to go to a college or university just because their friends or family members will attend that school. They should also take advantage of the open houses because sometimes the school may not look as beautiful it displayed online. Look for a school that has a good reputation for the major or program. Do some research about school, in terms of financial aid, number of students per class, size of school and the location of school.
For parents, they should do whatever they can in order to make sure that their child or children is going to school that fulfill their needs.
Be sure what size you want your school to be. Some people come here without knowing it's a small school.