Adelphi University Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


What I wish to have know before attend Adelphi University is how much I was going to really fall in love with it. The students, staff, faculty and administration are all so kind. At first I though that attending a school that is outside of my state would be a culture shock, but it turns out that I absolutely loved meeting the new people here and adjusting to their way of life.


I knew a lot about this school before I even considered it. I basically knew it all before I came and truthfully that is the reason why I chose it.


I wish that I had known about the tuition amount and the different scholarships that I can apply for in order to reduce the amount of student loans that I have to take out. I wanted to know more about merit scholarships and other ways to reduce my tuition liability.


There really isn't much to do on campus on the weekends. Lots of things go on for students at night and during the day, like shows and giveaways, etc., but since the school is 70{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} commuters, lots of people go home for the weekend.


I wish I had a better understanding of the cost of the school before i attended, so i could be better financed without all my student loans.


Before attending Adelphi University I wish I had known more about the supportive services that are offered. For example, there are a lot academic tutoring services but there are also psychological services available for whenever a student needs help, support, or just to talk.


I wish that I knew how serious it is to be in college. You have to put more effort into your studies and if you really want to study the field that you're thinking about studying it takes time and dedication and a lot of time management.


I wish I would have known that it is was such a commuter school. It gets lonely on the weekends.


How much financial aid I was getting?


I wish I had known how little competition there was to be succesful at Adelphi. Truly, the student are some of the dumbest people I've ever met and I would not have admitted them if I were a college admissions representative.