Albertus Magnus College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Albertus Magnus College know before they start?


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If I could go back, I would tell myslef to relax and just enjoy the college experience, and to not worry so much. I would also tell myself to consider going away to college so that I would get the full college experience.


Enjoy life to the fullest.


As scary as it all seems at first, preparing and eventually going to college seems like any other natural process of life, whether it be going through a growth sprurt, falling in love, or anything else that just sort of happens. In the end, it all seems to make sense and have a purpose--and it always unfurls itself the way it's supposed to. No matter where someone ends up, the education they receive will ultimately be up to them. In any case, college is the individual's preparation for how one will decide to interact with the world they exist in. Basically, it's the time allowed in life to figure it all out for yourself.


Take the prospective student on a tour of the college/university first. The student will automatically know if the school is the right one for them.


There are several factors that go into finding the right school. Sure, academics is a big part, but what kind of help will you recieve when your trying to strive towards that goal. Sometimes, you need to find a school where you will be more than just a number. A school where you can develop a relationship with your teachers is a school worth attending. They become like a mentor to you. A social life is something to consider while looking for a school, but you shouldn't base your entire choice on whether your can party ever night. Look to the future; you may be in college for four years, but it will affect the outcome for the rest of your life.


Know who you are, students. You will spend an extensive amount of time in college, and it is important that the campus and culture of the institution matches who you are. Having a firm understanding of what you are looking for in a school will allow you to get the most out of your education. Taking full advantage of the opportunity to attend college is vital to your future, and it is important to be in a setting condusive to your personal culture. I also believe it is important for parents to support their children in this journey. Encourage your children to do their best, and realize they are the ones working toward their futures. Their fate ultimately lies in their hands, and it is important for them to have a strong support system. Overall, don't panic! This refers to students and parents. College is like a new community for everyone. Students have to learn about this new culture, and parents have to let them and learn to adjust as well. The journey may be hard at times, but it is important to run the strong race.


You need to find a college that best suits you and your personality plain and simple. If you are quiet a big school is not going to be good for but if you want to over come that you would go to a big school. the easiest way to make the best of your college years is to stay focused and be yourself and not worr about what others say around always stay true to the most important person and that is yourself