The high school college search was a fun and stressful part of my life. If i could go back now and change anything it would be my decision to go to a school that had football. In high school all of the D3 college coaches would come visit the high schools and talk you in to coming to their college like you were going to be the star of the team. During the season i soon found out that these colleges take anybody they can get. I wish i had focused more on the other things i enjoy like playing the trumpet, leading and joining clubs, and doing community service for local groups like Habitat for Humanity. To give a clear answer i would tell myself to think about the big picture. What do i want to achieve in the next four years.
If I could go back in time to when I was a high school senior I would have a lot of advice for myself. To start off I would tell myself to really focus on my class work. I now know that the scholarship you get for you high school academics isn't able to be upgraded to a higher scholarship regardless of your first year college GPA. This would give high school me a wake up call because being in a low income family, I would know how important this was; for not only me but also, my family. I would remind myself to study for my SAT. SAT scores play a big part in college acceptance and additional scholarship funds. While I was very involved at my high school, I didn't take the SAT as well as I know I could have. I regret not getting a higher score because I know how much impact it has financially. If anything, I would tell myself to enjoy my high school experience. In college you need to find a whole new group of friends, clubs etc. High school could have been a great opportunity to expand my horizons.
College Advice
If you come to college with an open mind
Passon, friends, and fun
Are things you'll definitely find
But if you had a second chance
To do it over again
I'd like for you to consider a few rules
Not too many, just ten
One- Try new things
Even though they're scary
Two- Absolutely go ahead and taste that bloody mary!
Three- Ask for help and just let down your pride
Four- Give youself a library time limit
Then put the rest of the work aside
Five- Save your money despite all the temptations
Six- Talk to your professors
I'll bet they provide some inspiration
Seven- Get out an help your community
Self efficacy will be your gift
Eight- Always thank your parents
Even when they don't "get-your-drift"
Nine- Stop planning little details
Because spontaneous trips are a must
Ten- Find at least one person
Who you know you can really trust
I'm not sure if these rules will truly assist
But I do know that College is an experience
One you absolutely do NOT want to miss!
I would tell myself to not get too attached to the way of life back home. Things are different, and they may seem scary, but the transition isn't as hard as it seems. Work on being able to wake up with your own alarms, and don't forget to do your laundry. You can do it!!
I have gotten the information I need to become a teacher and the skills to handle myself in difficult situations. It has been valusable to attend Alfred University because it has taught me many things that I will need in the real world. The people here are at a immeasurable quality level and the experiences here are ones I will never forget.
To be honest, I wasn't even going to go to this school. I was all set on applying to the University of Hartford. Alfred University was five hours away from my hometown of Pleasantville Ny and I just simply didn't want to go. However, I am glad I did because there was no other school that I would have rather spent my undergrad at for those four special years. Coming to Alfred University has been magical. For such a small town I have made the most amazing friends and have accomplished some of the hardest tasks that life has thrown at me. Being at Alfred I have learned about time management, about true friendship and I have aquired skills that I will need for the rest of my life. I have made so many memories from this school and I will forever remember them for the future years to come.
My experience in college, though turbulent and at times very frustrating has been invaluable because it has proven I can push through adversity and make just about any educational experience fit my needs with a little bit of elbow grease and a lot of creativity. Through experience at two instituions, one a supportive community college and the other a politically charged liberal arts college, I have learned the value of deep engagement with self and with materials and ideas that I find interesting. I have learned to be self-sufficient and how to advocate for the causes that are important to me. I have become a better speaker, writer, citizen, and artist. Some of these benefits have come directly from engagement with classmates, course material, and teachers; others have come from deeply felt opposition to restrictive or excessively competitive social and academic norms I was exposed to as a student. Overall, my college experience has given me the confidence and tools I need to make my voice heard as a citizen of the world and to support myself and my future family. Thus, in spite of all of the obstacles, heart-ache, and frustration, it was undoubtedly worth the effort.
If I were able to go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, with the knowledge that I have now, I would give myself the following advice: be flexible. My transition into college life was hard; I was sharing a room for the first time in my life with someone I had never met, I was five hours away from my high school boyfriend, and I was not sure about where I wanted my life to go. I was sure, however, that I had set myself onto the path that I would be following for the next four years of my life.
A year later, I had changed from a Psychology major to a Fine Arts major, broken up with my boyfriend, and moved in with a girl I had known for about a month. None of these changes to my life were easy, but as a second-semester junior in college, I feel that I would do it all again. Without the stress and the hard decisions, and the ways in which that forced me to be a flexible person, I would not be where I am today. I am happy.
The first piece of advice that I want to give to up coming college students is to go to college. The experience is one that helps young people learn life skills. You will discover more about your self than you could ever expect to know. Most importantly you learn how to learn. I know that it sounds crazy but it is ture. In college you learn that teach yourself is the best skill to have best you will never stop learning in life. The more that you know the more opportunities you will have to do what you love. So I would tell high school students to pick a school that gets you away from home, has great campus atmosphere and career place after graduation. Those three things are the key. Lastly never give up on school.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself to go into college with a mind open to new experiences. From the every day life style to the rarer opportunities in college, if you don't approach life?s tasks in college with an open mind, you will find yourself sorely unhappy. You need to be able to laugh at the little things, like not having a can opener for your soup so borrowing the art students? tool kit to get it open. You need to accept that people have different lifestyles, and make sure you respect their lifestyle choices. Approach your classes with an open mind as well. If you are stuck in a course you may not like because it is mandatory to take at your college, just think of it as a learning opportunity. The most important thing to remember going into college is that an open mind is your greatest weapon in college. Without it, you are not going to receive the full college experience.