Alfred University Top Questions

What's unique about your campus?


The best thing about alfred is that I can walk through campus and know more than half of the people that walk by me. I also like the fact that when i go out on the weekend, the party scenes are no more than a 1/4 mile away.


The best thing about Alfred University is the community. It is a small campus, which was a perfect transition for me. My graduating class was smaller than 100 students, and I think I would have been too overwhelmed with a large campus. The class sizes are usually small, which allows the professors to closely interact with the students, and form a personal relationship with them. I prefer that over the very impersonal teachers that I observed when I toured other campuses, and they called roll near the end of the semester, and still did not know everyone in the class.


The small campus and student level makes going to school at Alfred University much more homely and comfortable. I feel more included in the small classes rather than having huge lectures all the time.