Alverno College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Alverno College know before they start?


Some advice I would have given myself would have been to read more and take notes. I also would have advised myself to have taken more classes that could have helped me more with the major I am pursuing. I would have taken classes that rewarded you college credits, so I wouldn?t have to spend thousands of dollars in college. I also would have practiced how to manage my time with school, fun, and work. College is not fun and games, it?s an education you shouldn't play with and take very seriously. Fun comes once you have graduated with your degree and education. Some more advise I would have given myself is, I learn that in college there is a lot of reading and writing so I also would have told myself to write more and get that extra help when I was lost or confused. As a senior I would have advised myself to take my time and proof read all my work and showed all my teachers my true potential. Also in high school I should have enrolled in different programs to practice my networking and applied for more scholarships and grants.


I would have prepared myself to come into college and take on the many responsiblities.


I would advise myself to become more active in on-campus activities earlier than I did. Joining student government, working at the university, and being an active member of clubs that interest you are great ways to meet new people, discover opportunities and to feel more connected to the school. My experience at the university definitly improved once I became an active part of the community.


When you say your going to school be commited as to not waste your time, money and talent by being non-commital. Be active and participate within the campus, get involved! Grow to learn the faculty and meet students, enjoy time at school. Don't over stress about homework, do your best and know ennough is enough. One last piece of advice, have fun!


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to apply for as many qualified scholarships as possible. If I do not know how to look for scholarships, I would tell myself to ask my counselor for help. Also, I can go online and look for scholarhips. The reason why I am giving myself this advice is because college is expensive and tuition is increasing as time goes by. By applying for scholarships, you will at least get some money to help with tuition, books, and other necessities for college.


If I were to go back in time and talk to myself in high school, I would tell myself to pay more attention and study harder. My father was sick a lot so I missed out on a lot of school, this led me to fall behind in classes and get poor grades. I would tell myself to focus on my school work and not my friends or other situations. Your school work and your grades are the keys to the future. If you do not succeed in high school you may not get into a good college. If you do not go to college you may end up working a dead end job the rest of your life. I would tell myself to buckle down and study hard.


As an informal student who waited a year after graduating high school to go to college, I would tell myself not to worry so much about paying for school. Since I have to pay for my own education, I spent a lot of my senior year worrying about how much debt I'd be in. Instead of finding a counselor or teacher to help me fill out a FAFSA, I decided to stay out of college for a year and work to save up money. If I could, I would shake some sense into myself for thinking that I wouldn't be able to afford going to a private college! There are so many scholarships, aid and grants available that most students, like me, don't take advantage of. Had I applied to more scholarships when I had all of that time as a senior, I would probably be going to college for free right now. For now though, I have to work to pay for school until I graduate...or get a scholarship!


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior knowing what I know now I would tell myself that I can do it on my own, without my mother or my father. I would tell myself not to procrastinate with life and most of all I would tell myself to believe in yourself. When I was a college senior, my mother was using heroin, I didn't know my father, my grandmother just had passed from breast cancer, and I was living in my own apartment. It took me until I was 22 until I got my life together enough to get enrolled in college, I still don't know my father and I don't really speak to my mother because she sold the laptop I recieved from my aunt for college. It's not all bad though I am now engaged and have a child on the way, and I'm just started at the University of Phoenix. Thank you.


The advice that i would give myself is to study more, worker harder, over achieve what i knew i could and to actually do my four years not graduate a year earlier.


I would tell myself that the first semester is the hardest. It is hard to adjust to living on campus and get used to harder classes, but after a semester, college is a lot better than you think at first. I would also tell myself to not be afraid to meet new people.