American University Top Questions

What are the most popular student activities/groups?


tuesdays are club nights!


Political groups are very popular on campus. I'm involved in both AU Students for Barack Obama and OneVoice (a group committed to a two-state solution in Israel). During the first months of school, almost everyone on my floor left their doors open, which is how we really got to know each other. Almost all of my close friends live on my hall. A lot of people began dating in the first couple months, and again, that often happens within floors because that's who you know best. Athletic events are not extremely popular, but speakers are. My whole floor will line up early in the morning to get the chance to hear a prominent speaker. I'm never up at 2 am anymore! But if I am, I'm in one of my friends' rooms, talking and hanging out and maybe watching a movie. Dorm life revolves around those kinds of activities. If students want to get out and drink, frats and sororities become pretty important because that's where the parties are. It's definitely not a huge party campus though, and sometimes there are weekends when frats don't throw parties at all. Instead of a frat, you can always go into DC for dancing, food, or monument touring.


political clubs are active on campus as well as greek life. Doors are not usually open in the dorms. Athletics are not that popular, but greek organizations go often. The dating scene is awful. there are not many guys and the ones you find are not worth dating. 2 am on a tuesday, you are coming back from going out to a bar. Traditions: welcome week, founders day, greek week. People party pretty often. Sororities and frats are active but not necessary. I am involved and it's great for a social life. otherwise, campus can be kinda dead on the weekends. Lasr weekend, I went to a mixer with a frat and my sorority and went to hooters with my sorority. On a Sat, you can go into the city or out with friends. I like to go downtown and shop or go to the national mall. I party off campus.


It's hella hard to get to frat parties.


Greek Life organizations are extremely popular. Depends, my freshmen year everyone left their doors open. This year no one on my floor does. It is slightly sad since I was used to such an open and friendly atmosphere. Athletics is not that big except maybe basketball LOTS AND LOTS of great speakers...Barack Obama, special performances by groups like OK GO and stuff like that. I give AU a 10 on guest speakers. -My closest friends I met randomly...some in class, some in my sorority, some on my floor. Tuesday night is going out night since most people dont have classes on Wednesdays. Last weekend I went clubbing Friday and to a frat party on Saturday. Fun weekend! Saturday night: movies, go to the monuments, go shopping in Georgetown or the malls. A lot of fun things that dont involve drinking. Off campus: enjoy DC. Great city.


Doors are open. Friends come from your floor or classes or through friends. The ratio of males to females sometimes sucks, but I've found an awesome one! We study and watch West Wing and Family Guy late into the night. Parties are fun. House parties are the best. Speakers are awesome; again the city is a great resource for this. The city is awesome!


AU Dems are popular. there are athletic events, many high profile guest speakers. the dating scene is difficult, too many girls, not enough men. 2am on a tuesday doing homework or studying. not everyone drinks only if they want to


Most popluar groups are AU College Democrats or Republicans, as well as Women's Initiative I am involved in the AU debate Society, and we travel the East Coast debating other schools Students do not leave their doors open Athletic events are popular, as are guest speakers, and Theater is hit or miss I can't speak about the dating scene I've been taken since I got here I meet my closest friends two ways: Half by living with them on the same floor, the other by pure luck I am playing Guitar Hero or studying if I am up that late Founders Day and Artemis Ward week happen each year People party often Greek life is small but very noticeable Last weekend I hung out at my friends apartment, cooked and played rock band, and the next day I went to the movies, went to the book store, went back to my friends apartment and watched another movie On a Saturday night you can go to the movies, go see an exhibit at the mall, walk around Dupont circle, or do something student government offers When I'm off campus I'm at a friends apartment


College Democrats and Republicans are very popular. All of the Division 1 sports are equally as popular, while the club sports get less attention. Students in dorms at the beginning of the year will keep their doors open in order to meet their floor/hall. However, as the year goes on, it is less frequent. Guest Speakers are extremely popular, with at least a few occurring each day. Sports events are next, which do attract a good crowd. Theater productions are popular, but not so much as the other two. I met my closest friends right across the hall from me in my dorm because at the beginning of the year we kept our doors open. Greek life consists of about 22{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of students, so it is there if you want it, but not a necessity and you certainly won't be pressured into one. Last weekend, I went to the movies in Chinatown and shopped on Friday. Saturday, I ate at a downtown cafe and went to the Smithsonian Natural History museum. Sunday, I had a meeting for a group project, went to a review session for Microeconomics, and did homework. I do not drink, and about 26{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of AU students never touch a drink, so each activity I do is without drinking. You can go monument hopping, museum hopping, shopping in Friendship Heights or Pentagon City, explore Georgetown, go to the Capital, go to a movie, go to the National Zoo, go to the National Archives, get a bite to eat with friends, and even go to a Frat party and not drink on a Saturday night. I only touched on a couple of activities--you will never be bored in this city!


APO service fraternity (co-ed) equestrian team -- rides in MD, competes with regional schools doors are always open athletic events, not so much. guest speakers, especially politicians draw a crowd. theater, if that's what you are into there are a lot of couples my closest friends: my roommate, my hallmates, my boyfriend is across the hall, but i met and got to know him (and my other best friend) during the freshman service experience. i met my our best friend at a frat party because of an interesting tapestry. through the equestrian team, i met a whole different type of person, but they rock too. hanging out with my friends i dont know! as much as we can. they're big, but no one likes them went out for thai food for a friends birthday, then on a metro adventure. homework. frat party. radio show. anything you want.. being drunk is never a requirement bars, clubs, food, wandering, movies, everything.