Aquinas College-Grand Rapids Top Questions

What should every freshman at Aquinas College-Grand Rapids know before they start?


I would advise myself to make as many friends as possible, as quickly as possible. Choosing the college that I did I am further away from home then most of my graduating class. So I would definetly tell myself to make as many friends as possible. I would also tell myself to get out and have fun. When someone invites me to do something I should go. I would tell myself just to pick classes that I want and have fun with them, as well as take more than 15 credits every semester so I can graduate on time. The last thing that I would tell myself to do is to get off Facebook and actually go do all of the things that I just mentioned as well as study a little more.


College isn't as easy as what you picture in your head. You know the bumper stickers on facebook that say you can only choose two options out of the three choices of good grades, sleep, and a social life? Well as much as that sounds like a joke, I wish it was. It isn't easy, there will be tears and sleepless nights full of cramming, but in the end it will all be worth it. Balance your time between school, sleep, and friends. Put your health first, school second, and friends last. I know going to college you think about all the freedom you have for being on your own, but it is during this time where you need to step up and prove to the rest of the world that you can take on the resposibility and succeed on your own. Don't let the social scene influence your education, as hard as those situations are to stay away from, you need to focus on your future and what is best for you. After all, why else would you be going to college?


If I could go back in time to give myself advice as a high school senior, I would tell myself to not give up. Even through all the sick days and all the pain of having migraines daily, to stick with it and try harder to get the grades that I know I was capable of making even if I didn't believe it then. To trust in my teachers and that they really wanted to see me succeed. I would also tell myself to get into the habit of studying with others so that when I'm in college my study habits wouldn't slow me down in achieving the grades that I could get otherwise. To become more organized and timely with schedules to help myself get into the idea of having deadlines all the time. I would also tell myself to learn how to make new friends. I would tell myself this because it's hard to make new friends in a new environment with different people. When you have no friends your level of success goes down because you feel that you are alone. You need friends and others to succeed in life.


Relax. Pick the one that feels right. Bring sunscreen and extra whiteboard markers. Go out and meet people even when you don't feel like it. Rearrange the furniture as much as you want - you'll never have modular furniture again, so it'll never be easier. Stand up for yourself but also be willing to compromise, especially in roommate situations. Do your homework. Talk to your professors - they really do want to help you. Don't be afraid to ask for or offer help. Play in the rain. Celebrate birthdays exuberantly - decorate with toilet paper, if possible. Watch for bargains. Buy and sell your textbooks online. Animal crackers, salsa con queso, and homemade fudge from your roommate's grandma will become major food groups. Use the resources available at the library, career center, financial aid, and the department office of your major. Investigate grad school early. Take advantage of the cafeteria unlimited salad bar. Drink lots of water. Wear warm boots. Take a minute to appreciate warm sheets, fresh out of the laundry. Thrive.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, what I would say is, "Cole, stay focused in the here and now. Take care of the things that you know need to be done. Remember not to be so lazy about your homework and the assignments you think are "dumb!" The fact is that many will benefit by your success. You will open new doors to greater potentialities than you thought possible. Effort is required. There is no free lunch. You should still have fun, but rather than procrastinate and put off your studying until Sunday night- why not get it done on Friday? That way you will be able to enjoy the weekend without having to worry about failing the test coming up on Monday. Remember that these are the crucial months where you must decide how you are going to stage your emergence into the world at large. Make them count. For every individual that receives an education- the world is one small step closer to a time where both the young and old, the rich and the poor alike, can fulfill their total potential."


I would tell myself that doing homework is what helps to make you succussful with passing class. Studying and going to class everyday is so important. Making the transition was easy, and making friends in class will help with the tough coursework. Keeping up your grades is also very important. The scholarship for Aquinas is based on GPA and grades, and it helps to maintain those so tution is small. Study and get help when you need it. Aquinas offers a lot of advising for most classes. By doing homework and managing your time, you will be successful.


College classes are a lot more challenging than high school classes. If your sitting there bored on facebook you should probably get off and do some reading or studying even though your test for chemistry is later next week. Get a job. When people say that college students are poor they mean it. Don't worry about making friends, every other Freshmen on campus is stressing about the same thing. Just because you might not like your roommates or your suitemates it doesn't mean that you can not live with them. When you go home on breaks you really miss all of your friends at school because they become your family. They help you through your trials and you help them through theres and together you both grow and learn from each other. Learning to balance school work with other activities is very important and however hard it may be you might have to give up playing a sport or acting in a play if it means better grades.


I would tell myself to not bother going to a community college, go straight to Aquinas. Yes, it is more expensive that way but the atmosphere and helpfulness of the teachers are so much better than a community college. Aquinas teachers push their students to do well and it will be a much greater asset in the future than saving some money now. Focus on the academics, and put them first. It's alot better to make friends in a work place environment and excel in school than it is to be friends with everybody and let school work slide, even the tiniest bit! Remember to save money and apply for scholarships, because college pays for itself only after you graduate. Lastly, remember to eat well and stay active. It's a key part of being able to focus in the classroom.


I would not have had senioritis so bad and actually worked hard and kept my GPA up. My whole high school career i worried about grades and sports and how well i did, but my senior year i let the grades slide so that i could consentrate on getting a track scholarship. i got that track scholarship like i wanted, i also got a academic scholarship but if i had kept my grades the way they were in previous years i would have gotten $2,000 more. and now after i just lost $4,000 from the Michigan Promise award that was revoked this year that money would have been nice because i would of had that $2,000 cushion! Npw i have to figure out how to pay for Ireland in the fall and school next year! So winning this scholarship would be just the answer to my prayer that ive been looking for.


I would try to look harder into a college that i like as much as Aquinas, but cheaper in price. The price of this school is what is holding me back, not knowing whether or not I have enough for the next semester is very stressful.