I remember that being a Senior it felt like I had all this pressure by family and friends to know exaclty what I wanted to do after highschool and where I wanted to go. People would ask me all the time, "so what are you doing next year?" and I would respond with a nervous smile on my pink face that I was not sure what I wanted to do after highschool. I was embarrassed because it seemed like everybody else knew what they wanted to do which I found out later was absolutely not true. I spent all of Senior year stressing out about the years to come, that I forgot to have fun and enjoy myself. After much consideration, I finally decided to attend a community college to have a little more time to figure out what I wanted to do, which was the best decsion I had ever made. Now that I am in college I realize that it is ok not to know exaclty what you want to do for the rest of your life especially at eighteen. All you can do enjoy the time you do have and do your best.
College life is going to be amazing. You’re going to have “easy-As” and you’re going to have classes where you will have to fight for a C. You will face rejection and you will find people who don’t understand you. You will have to explain why you started college at age fourteen at least a dozen times. But you know what? It’s all going to be worth it. Your body and mind will do anything you tell them too, it’s all a simple matter of willpower and determination. Community college, four-year universities, and medical school are all just stepping stones. Never, never lose sight of your end goals. When the going gets tough you need to look to the future and think of all the people you’re going to help. Don’t burn any bridges with family or friends, both will be crucial to your success. School will be the biggest part of your life for a very long time but you can’t let it take over; don't let the stress control you. One thing’s for sure though, it’s going to be one exciting adventure.
I appreciate the life I have, and had I done things differently, I may not be where I am now. But If I could go back and give myself a piece of advice, I would encourage myself to finish school first. I decided what I wanted to be when I grew up after getting married and having a child. I would recommend to my high school self to buckle down and finish my education first, knowing how much easier it is to finish school when you don't have other obligations like children and family. Especially now that I am divorced and a single parent with primary custody, it has been challenging finding time to finish a degree. When I was younger, I believed I had all the time in the world to accomplish my goals. Now as a 35 year old single mother, I can't help but feel time slipping by in the blink of an eye. Had I finished my degree out of high school, I could have had 10+ years experience as a nurse, making a decent wage to support my daughter, and changing lives for the better.
The advise id give myself would be to keep myself on track and do what i need to do and not wait for anyone to push me but push myself into college.
I would say to take some classes that would relate to a few different degrees that you are thinking about pursuing. In high school you don't always have the opportunit y to take such classes, but when they are offered take the chance and see if you truely are interested in the career before you begin paying for classes. Also make sure that you truely do want to go to college and that there is no other influence swaying your decision. Going to college is a big step and you need to make sure it is what you want to do. If you have to, take a year or two off to find yourself and see what you are most interested in.
Time travel. The idea that one might be able to go back in time and fix one?s mistakes is an idea we humans have been romanced by for centuries. How awesome would it be to be able to warn yourself about what lies on the tracks ahead of you? You could avoid heart break, embarrassing situations, and bad decisions.. Let?s assume for a moment that it was possible, that you could go back and perhaps talk to the High School Senior version of yourself. What would you say? Would you give yourself a pep talk? A slap on the face? I don?t know about you, but I would walk right up to myself and say, ?Self, WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING?!?! You need to go straight to college, without a full-time job, focus on your studies, and wait to move in with your boyfriend until AFTER you graduate. This is an experience you do not want to miss! You are strong enough to do this on your own. Oh, and draw close to your family again. You are going to need their love and support to make it through these years ahead. Good luck!?
I would immediately tell myself to major in Computer Science. It took me over a year of college classes to find out that's what I wanted to do, and it would've been great to know in high school. I would also tell myself to save more money. There's so many small and unexpected things that come up that you need money for that I was not expecting to have. When it comes to studying and going to class, there's not much to say. Transitioning into more difficult college work was easy for me.
If I could go back in time and confront myself as a high school senior, I would certainly have many things to say to my younger self. The very first thing I would say to myself would be "what are you doing with your life?" As a teenager i knew everything and had a good idea what my future would be, everything would work out just fine, I would say. My adult self looks back and wonders why didnt I go right to college, why wasnt I more focused on the future. Well, high school students are hardly concerned for the future, unless that future is next Saturday night or who might be interested in whom. I would tell my former self that all the descions I made now would directly affect my future, and explain the stuggles I would have if I kept on the path I was going down. Before I left my younger self I would stress the importance of being a college graduate and that there is no time like the present to secure a sound future.
First I would research the schools that are available for Court Reporting. I would pick three of the top schools listed and thoroughly research each of them. I would make sure to ask these questions: How long has the school been around? Are all the teachers certfied? Do other students like or dislike going to the school and why? How knowledgeable is the financial aid team? Most of all, does the school teach what they advertise? The school that I attended first was strictly after my money they didn't care about the students progress. I didn't understand the meaning of this until I found Bryan College for Court Reporting they opened my eyes and gave me a different perspective on what college is about. They truly care about their students progress and well being. They stay after class and they help the student as much as if he or she needs it. They are very honest with you. If they don't think you can do it they will let you know because this particular trade you can or you can't do it and these teachers do not want students to waste their time.