Arizona Western College Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


Before attending Arizona Western College i wish i had known more about their programs and majors. As an undecided student I would love to know the different choices i have before figuring out what career i would devote my time to. Knowing what college has to offer is extremely important thus, i am deciding what i want for my future. Being able to see the different options and activities that i could become involved before attending AWC would have been something i wish i knew beforehand.


The academic expectations of the professors.


I wish I had known how hard it was to get the classes I wanted and needed.


I wish I would have gone to Arizona Western College straight out of high school. I decided to wait a couple of years before going to college and as a result I had forgotten some of the things I had learned in high school and as a result I had to take classes that were not even college level as a refresher before I could even start to work on my degree.


I wish I would have known that the campus is so much nicer as a whole than the campus I went to. If I would have known that I might have stayed @ home.