I would tell them to chose wisely. Don't chose a school based on it's big name, because I didn't and I am very happy that I chose a smaller school so that I had a better chance of really getting to know my professors and as well them getting to know me. I would also advise them to get a head start on financial assitance if it is needed so that they do not have the stress of finding ways to pay for college.
Finding the right college for the field you're going into is the most important thing a student can do. A school with emphasis on the field you're going into will have more support and resources to help you through. Remember, you are at school to learn and make a future for yourself. STUDY! STUDY! STUDY! It is important to apply yourself completely, but don't overload yourself. Always remember to laugh and have fun! Find the balance between, school work, class, friends, work, sports, I know it seems hard but its possible, I did it and I couldn't be happier. Always strive to be the best at what you do because remember, you write your own future.
I would want them to find something that is going to give them the biggest advantage in finding a job. Career placement is the most practical and valuable thing to look for in a college. The social life should always come second to school, because the purpose is to learn. The school i am going to has a good network of people in the field that are available for advice and guidance.
Make sure its the college you really want to attend because if it is not, it will be hard to move back and forth to different schools. Try not to take everything on all at once. Don't panic just take it easy but not too lackadaisical.
The advice I would give to parents and or students in finding the right fit for a college and making the most of their college experience would be to put aside what their friends do and where they go because at the end of the day, the students are responsible for what happens in class and are responsible for their final grades. Friends are a great thing to have and should not be taken lightly but these times in college are the now or never phase in young people?s life. I?ve seen some of my friends not attend college and are now working menial jobs just trying to pay rent and I?ve also seen older people who do the same and can only figure that they have been doing this their entire lives. That?s not the road I wish to follow and that is my inspiration, I can only hope your inspiration will carry you to choose the right decision for you.
Parents, make sure you do not push a school onto your child. Let them look, visit, and decide on their own. With that being said, they still need you to help them look at all the details of a school to see if it is the right fit. A little bit of motivation does not hurt either, to make sure your student is actively looking a pursuing a college education at a place that stays true to their beliefs, learning styles, and interests.
Students, go visit all the schools that you possibly can, and maybe even spend the night on campus. It is impossible to make an informed decision based on pictures, brochures, and phone conversations. If you're interested in a school's program, go visit and meet the professors, it is the only way to truly make a choice. There is a lot to be said for a school to have all the programs and activities that interest you, and once you visit and meet students from that school, then you can officially decide if that school is the best college for you!
It's tough finding the right college, but once you do....you definately know it and it feels good. You need to research all of the schools that you are interested in. Make sure that you go visit these places to make sure that you like the feel of the campus. Also, make sure the schools are in your budget. And apply for scholarships!!!
If you want to get the best ride with a great community that knows each other and wants to be her this is the place for you
When looking at a college you are thinking about attending, talk to some of the upper classmen. Upper classmen tend to have experienced more of the ups and downs of a particular college and can offer you insight into what exactly happens at the college you are interested in. Many times they will also tell you a lot of things that college recruiters will not tell you. College tours and recruiters are designed to put a positive spin on everything. Make sure you know what the college is really like before you invest your time and money into a college that might turn out to be the wrong place for you.
Additionally, many colleges allow a prospective student to sit-in on classes which could help you in determining how the faculty approaches the learning environment. Basically the more hands on experience you have with a college the better informed you are going to be. This will make you better equipped to handle challenges as they approach as you have gained a basic understanding about the college from the very beginning.
Make sure to go on several college visits because when you are where you should be you will know it right away. Students should make the most of the experience because college will be one of the best times of your life. It's a time to discover yourself and what you want to accomplish now and the rest of your life.