Azusa Pacific University Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about Azusa Pacific University?


We have trolleys!!! We have two campuses and the trolleys are a timeless APU tradition. Each trolley driver brings a certain kind of comfort and familiarity to the campus. Our campus is clean ! Our facilities management is very good. Not only does our campus look great but if anything is broken in our apartment they respond very quickly. There is guaranteed housing for all four years, I didn't even know that a lot of universities only provide housing for the first two years only.


The community


The athletic program, small class sizes, and location


I just go to the school for the Nursing program. The program is fantastic. Everyone has jobs before they graduate with their nursing degree.


That I like my friends. And that I appreciate that my school does bring some awarness to social justice issues such as slavery, fair trade, etc.