Baker College of Allen Park Top Questions

What should every freshman at Baker College of Allen Park know before they start?


Knowing what I know now about college life and making the transition I would advise myself to first apply early to colleges, register early for classes, get all the supplies I need, and most important sumbit my FAFSA application before the deadline so i can get financial aid on time. I would also advise myself to start getting in the habit of studying for quizzes or exams instead of trying to cram in everything the night before, because if you do that in college, chances are you will be all night. Also take excellent notes. Its not like highschool where the teachers have the notes prepared for you.


If i could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to get to college right after graduation. Me along with alot more high school graduates just dont even want to think about starting college after high school, but as I see some friends have gone right from high school to start college and now they are comfortable in their careers then others as well as myself wishing we had gone earlier so we could already have our degrees and sense of accomplishment . It is better to start now then never but i would definatly be telling my senior in high school self to not "take a break" from school or it will be more dificult getting back into the swing of things further down the road.


I would tell myself to focus more in high school, and not take the easy way out. You need to take the challenging classes, not the easy classes. You should read more on current events and know what is going on in the world around you. Work harder, save more, and enjoy your friends! Don't focus on the little petty things, they never even make it past high school.


I would tell myself that college is not as scary as I thought it would be. My teachers are very nice, and if I actually try very hard, I will be able to do very well in my classes. Everyone at the school is going through or has gone through the same transition as me, from high school to college, so I should not feel intimidated. Ask questions to get the answers you need, do not hold back because you are afraid of being embarrassed. Make sure to set school as the highest priority, but still allow free time. Even if you think you know something, make sure to study.


I would give them some really simple advice that I think would have helped me. I would first tell them to think really hard about what they wanted to do. To pick a career that they actually like, not based on money or what other people think they should like. I would also tell them to work on their study habits and do their best and give there all at whatever they do.