Baptist Bible College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Baptist Bible College know before they start?


Dear Erika, College life is much easier than you have been told. However, one of the major thigs that you need to do is stay on top of your work. You cannot just put it off and assume that everything will be ok. Definitely pay attention in your english classes, you will love it if you are able to clepp out of them once you get into college. Make sure that you know how to write an essay because that will definitely come in handy for almost all of your classes. Pay close attention for the hints that your teachers give you about how to study because once you get to college you are all on your own and if you do not pass your classes, that is money lost for you in the long run. Make sure that when you get to college that you befriend your professors because if you do so, they are much more apt to help you understand things. Most of all, just do not freak out. God has everything under control and you have nothing to worry about. He knows your future and right now, that is all that matters.


Charity. Life gets complicated from this point forward. I know that you think you already have it figured out but you don't. You're going to still have the mundane issues of life that frustrate you so but there's not going to be a reprive from them. Its going to be on your shoulders to make things happen in your life. Do not sit around and wait for the answers to come or someone else to make your problems go away; that will be your responsibility wholly and completely. Value what you have now: the family who helps you through difficulties, teachers who care about what is going on in your life and the ability to be change your mind when you need to. Those things are more beneficial than you will give them credit for. Most importantly, however, is for you to be joyous. Celebrate your life; you're living it. Make it what you want it to be. Do this now while its not as hard and later on, when your potential future is laying heavy on your shoulders, it will be second nature. Love you and I'll see your in a few years.


I would tell myself to choose the Inter-cultural major instead of the Missions major/TESOL minor so that I would not waste time worrying about courses I do not need. I would plan from the start to finish in three years instead of four so I don't have to go meet with my advisor this week and plead my case and see if we can sort it all out. Also, I would tell myself to not date the two guys I have dated. Now I have baggage that I have to take into future relationships and it was so pointless to acquire. As far as the transition, I would tell myself that I'm good to go. I had no real issues adjusting. Except I may caution myself on my choice of certain friends and which church I joined initially. But there is no overwhelming issue I would discuss.


If I were to go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior and give advice from what I now know, I would most likely tell myself not to worry. Looking back at being a senior I was very afraid and didn?t know what to expect from college life. I was afraid that I would not be able to handle college academically or socially. I had a negative view on college believing that the only thing I would be doing would be writing 20 page papers and working. I was also afraid that it would be very hard to talk to people and create new friendships and relationships. But once I arrived at Baptist Bible College I realized I had nothing to fear. The academics here are challenging, but with help from the professors and peers I know I have nothing to worry about. The people here are so amazing and friendly I couldn?t ask for a better atmosphere. Lastly, I would tell myself to be ready to change. I would say, ?In the next few years you are going to grow as a person and become a better you, so just relax.?


It is important to stay in touch with the activities and the future vision of the college and very important is to find amn acredited school.


Prospective students and parents of prospective students should first think about the desired outcome for the prospective student. After this is accomplished, they should design achievable goals that will help the student accomplish this desired result.


Find a college that has the career that you want to pursue! And don't worry to much about finances, remember it takes money to make money....look at it as an good investment toward your future


Take your time to search, it is a very important decision.


I would advise that you really search it out. Check out everything you want for a school and DON'T SETTLE! Always, you should allow room for growth. Things will change; You, your friends, your school, allow room for this type of growth. Lastly, I would advise that you create a balance. The balance is between social and academic. You will need both!! Your social life is very important, but so is your academics--that's why you're at school. Overall...ENJOY YOUR EXPERIENCE!


The advice I would give to students when choosing a college or career choice would be to follow what you are passionate about and what God has gifted you with. If you don't enjoy what you're doing or where you're at, you'll get burned out quickly. Do what comes naturally, and do something that helps others. Look for a college the supports these ideals. That's the only way to live, for God and others.