I've gotten two primary things out of my college experience so far. The first is the vast amount of imformation I have learned about myself. I have learned about how I think and my personality through temperament study. I have learned about what I will be good at and enjoy after I finish my classes based on that information. Through my proffesors I am already in contact with someone about work after I am finished with school. The next major thing I have gotten out of this college is the growth I have experienced in my faith. I have been taught substatialy about things I can do to further my relationship with me creator. Not only have they taught me these things but through their process I have been encouraged to actually taking the steps to do that. My growth in my relationship with God and my faith in Him has been the greatest thing to happen to me while taking classes with this school.
I would tell myself to study harder. I would also tell myself that when you ge to college do not be afradi to get involved in things right away. It is a great way to meet people and become more involved with the school. Also I would tell myself to just not worry so much and know that you wil make new friends and that al wil be okay.
If I could go back in the time and give myself advice about college, I would first of all talk about how the off-campus life differs so much from on- campus. I would recommend trying to get an on-campus dorm room so you could build your social network faster and experience the life a little more. I would then highly suggest you go to college right after high school rather than wait a few years. When you are an older student in a college learning is more difficult and you have to work much harder than you are expecting to. The people you meet are great, they are very interested in having you as a part of their life, and no matter what goes on there is always somone standing by to help you out. Last I would say to get married after college rather than before you start. Married life is awesome, but when you are in college it is sometimes very hard to devote time to everything you need to. By not having a spouse in college you give yourself more freedom to participate in the campus activities. Have fun and study hard in everything possible.
I would tell myself to always do what I need to do, focus on school and not be social. There is always time to have fun but you are there and paying for your education. Also, when taking private lessons, apply your self and practice throughout the week. And the most important is to just be yourself no matter what. Everyone is trying to find themselves so dont be afraid of who are and dont listen to people who try to pull you down.