The worst thing about Bard College would be the fact that the student body is not diverse. The student body is internationally diverse. I feel that it shiuld be more kids of color on campus. The campus is already secluded and it is very easy to get lost and isolated as an individual at the college. There are not alot of activites on campus that appeal to all students rather than the typical Bardian. The cmpus life needs to be improved if you want students to remain at Bard.
Sitting here trying to figure out the "worst" thing about my school is proving to be a difficult task. Not everythingis perfect at Bard but mist things are far from bad. I would have to say the worst thing about Bard is its monet issues at the moment. The school has seem to hit a rough patch and it is proving to be difficult for the school to mantain itself the way it has previous years.
The most unfortunate thing about Bard is how much we're paying to be there: $50,000 a year. I believe I'm getting an exceptional education, and the college is amazing, but it's really taking a lot for my family to meet those payments, even with financial aid. It would be nice if I received a break on my room and board payments for this year, since I have to live in temporary housing.
It's very expensive and doesn't seem to care too much that I cannot afford to go, but maybe they just don't have more money to give. I've got half covered anyway.
Isolated, not much to do around the campus. People can seem unfriendly. Not very career-focused at all.
The meal plan. You can't make the meal plan any less expensive, the food is terrible, but the entire system sucks. We actually pay more per meal than someone off campus would pay. How shitty is that? You can reduce the number of meals and get more Bard bucks, but it really doesn't make any sort of mathematical sense. The people here smoke too much pot, because they are all misunderstood artists.
not very diverse politically, ethnically, or socio-economically.
It's isolated, but also everyone is Jewish..or rich. Its not so much a problem, but it limits the diversity/type of people you meet.
The academic pressure-cooker atmosphere, how conventional and less free spirited the politics and overall philosophy of the college has become, how snobbish/hipstery , exclusive and vain the student body can be, as well as how overpopulated campus has become since we have been overadmitting (campus can't hold everyone as it's too small, so ugly dorms are being created), how poorly endowed it is, how much drug and alcohol use takes place and how depressed/cynical/apathetic people can be.
Since it is a small school, there aren't that many clubs and activities that a lot of the larger schools have.