social life is integrated with columbia in pretty much every way. Sororities and frats are nice, many people join them, but if you dont there is also plenty to do. The bars in morningside heights are a lot of fun for college students, though many people choose to venture downtown to clubs or to a variety of restaurants in NY. The location in NYC is fabulous, but also expensive. We have some pretty hokey and silly traditions that i find kind of idiotic, like midnight breakfast during finals week, and the big sub which spreads out across campus every semester and everyone eats it.
You're in New York City - the sky's the limit!
There is no social life at Barnard aside from clubs. If you are not involved with them then there is nothing. On the weekends people go downtown to clubs and bars in small groups.
I am co-captain of the Columbia University Equestrian club. The Equestrian club is like a family and we have a lot of fun together.
-students in dorms do leave their dorms open.
-athletic events not too popular since the teams aren't too good.
-people party as much as they want. Living in NYC, you can always find something to do, yet students are very studious and Butler (the columbia library) can be a popular hang out spot- that is what you are going to get at an IVY League school.
-many of the bars around campus closed down, but NYC is our campus and you can go anywhere easily, any night of the week, any time.
There are a lot of activities on campus, although no one really attends major campus student events (sadly). I think because it is in such a big city, everyone goes downtown to a comedy club or to see a broadway show. Campus life is very scattered. There are always guest speakers for the Earth Institute and there is always one luncheon after another. Traditions have been somewhat stomped upon by administration over the years, but there was 40s on 40 on Low steps for the seniors (40 days before graduation), there is Orgo Night (the marching band disrupts studying in the library the day before the organic chemistry final) and Midnight Breakfast. Majority of activities and all of the social life is over at Columbia, perhaps because Barnard housing is in apartment buildings with actual tenants. If you're not a person to go out to bars, there are some parties on campus but a small amount in comparison to other schools.
SGA thinks they are the shit.
People leave there doors open after being warned not to.
Athletic events are not popular.
Columbia guys will not pay attention to minority students at Barnard, only "white" girls.
I luckily met my close friends through my roommate.
If awake at 2am, I will be studying in a lounge while checking Facebook or Myspace.
ALL the Jewish events are a huge deal.
People party often, but w/o a fake a ID it's pretty bad.
Columbia Parties are a 4 out of 10.
Last weekend hmm Party at a wack party
Sat. night can be laundry night plus studyin plus a visitor.
Off campus I shop and go to visit my sister. I also look for entertainment since campus doesnt provide much.
The dating scene...well, I thought, as a straight girl, coming to an all-girls school wouldn't matter in terms of dating because of Columbia across the street. I was wrong, as were most of my friends. Few girls find their boyfriends across the street, and I know many girls who never dated anyone from Columbia. However, some people do date a lot. It just seems like there is slim pickings, especially because of the male:female ratio.
There are always student events going on, and some are really popular, and others have an empty audience. Groups and clubs are not for everyone, but for those who want to join, options abound.
There is no Greek like, and Barnard feels like one big sorority anyway. If one really wants to join a frat/sorority, there are a few options, but it's not necessary to make friends or have fun.
I usually go to local bars on the weekends, but going downtown is always fun and a more exciting option. Campus parties happen, but are usually broken up.
If you don't want to drink, you can go anywhere in the city, like the movies or restaurants, or even a play. Or you can just hang out with friends.
There are an amazing amount of great lecturers that come to Barnard. I would say every week there is at least some amazing lecture that I go to or wish I could have gone to.
Party wise, Barnard is not a place that really accommodates partying. It doesn't condone it but it doesn't really nurture it. As a freshmen the drinking rules like in most New York dorms are strict and they will check your dorm once a semester for alcohol. The RA's will write you up if you are caught drinking in your room or smoking. When you move out of "the quad" after your freshmen year though to more apartment like housing you are free to do as you please pretty much. You can always go to a club (which requires a fake ID- which can be annoying). The bars around the area are somewhat lax about fake ID's. Columbia always has parties going on- but you have to just get out and get to know people. There is greek life at columbia which is definitely NOT the main party scene on campus, but its fun if that is what you are into.
It can sometimes be hard to get involved. I joined a sorority and my social life has definitly benefited.