Barnard College Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about Barnard College?


It might be the few or the only place where you ll see a girl with thick glasses solving unbelievable hard math questions in the classroom one miniute ago but the found her dancing beautifully and confidently in the dance studio the next mintue. Oh my god, Barnard girls are really versatile and talented!


That I spent four years surrounded by amazing women and taking incredible classes both at Barnard and Columbia. But I didn't have to deal with the Columbia red tape.


Barnard College clearly cares a lot about the student body and makes this apparent by constantly having study breaks and fun activities planned for the students throughout the year. Such activities include a midnight breakfast the night before finals begin, chocolates being given out around valentines and other things such as build-a-bear and make your own mug/snowglobe. I love being at a school that makes sure that all their students know that they belong to such a warm community.