Barnard College Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at Barnard College? Is this stereotype accurate?


Liberal, lesbians, easy, smart, artsy/urban style


I guess that the biggest stereotype about Barnard women is that we are all somewhat wealthy, Jewish, don't deserve to be a part of the Columbia community, and/or are extremely liberal about sex and sexuality. While there definitely is a strong contingent of the opulent 1{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c}, most of the people I know are on some type of financial aid and/or are working. I am Jewish, Barnard is one of the most "Jewish" schools in the country (there is a ridiculous proportion of Jewish women at Barnard), and the Barnard/Columbia Hillel definitely has a strong presence on campus. While Barnard is more "Jewish" than your average school, it's dual degree program with the Jewish Theological Seminary, location in the largest city in the country, and relationship with Columbia University make it seem like the perfect place to be if you are Jewish. That being said, other ethnic and religious groups do have a presence on campus, and there are groups from almost every background at either Barnard or Columbia. The "unintelligent" stereotype is probably the least true out of all of them, and you would only hear that one thrown anonymously at Barnard students on blogs. Barnard women, overall, have worked to get to where they are. I have met some of the most intelligent people I've ever met in my life at Barnard, and I have also met some people who just didn't really seem to want to get involved in academics. That seems to be the case with most colleges, so I've never held this against Barnard or Columbia. The "sexually active" stereotype is partially true; there are plenty of people on campus who are open about their sexuality, but it isn't the whole community, and it's definitely handled tastefully. Barnard women aren't, as any stereotype of a women's college would say, all lesbians. There are many people in the LGBTQA community, and they have an extremely important and meaningful place in the campus culture, as the community does on any campus. One of the main reasons why I'd say that the stereotype about sexual activity persists is because of the amazing health services we have at Barnard and the general push for knowledge about sex and sexuality. It is easy to go to Health Services for morning after pill, if you so need them, or to fill a birth control prescription. It is also easy to get condoms (while not as easy to get other forms of contraceptive, especially if you aren't having heterosexual intercourse). Barnard is fairly open and diverse, but not in an extreme way. It is probably one of the more, relatively, conservative women's colleges.


This is so far from true! Barnard students are awesome, end of story. Barnard is one of the most selective schools in the country. We go to Barnard because we enjoy having a smaller community that fosters leadership and personal development. We love our advising system and the personal care we get within the larger context of the University (Columbia) as a whole! A lot of my Columbia friends are jealous of all the awesome programs Barnard has!