Barry University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Barry University know before they start?


I have receieved a pleathora of things from my first year of college experience, and they are: i became more dependent of myself, i leared to make my own decisions, manage my time and also became more responsible with my life and my things. Also i learned that the college life is like no other and you only get a one chance to enjoy it and also that it's the path to a better life replete with knowledge and a better job.


Out of my college experience so far, as an undergraduate; I have gained strength and independence. I believe those are the two key inner powers you need to make it through years of college. You have to be able to take the things they give you, also the important things you learn and consume it, live with it, and apply it to your future. Stress will be your best friend, but with strength you will over power your inner demons, and learn to take charge, and that's where independence comes in. No one is going to hold your hand 24/7, walking you through your 4 years of college. YOU will have to hold your own hand through the good times and bad and YOU will walk yourself through your four years of learning and growing. YOU have to make each day valuable during your college life and experiences, like I have learned to do.


It's easy to understand when your parents tell you that you will appreciate things more when you are the one paying for it. That statement is very true. I believe that I have spent too much money thus far on my education to play around. This school has helped me to become more responsible and to not take my education for granted. Though I may hang out with my friends/classmates, I never make it a point to choose parting over studying because I know that I am in school for a reason. My college experience thus far has been full of tears of both joy and pain but with every tear shed I find my self closer and closer to my goal.


I am a country girl from the small town of Mableton Georgia, where diversity is limited and racism is still alive. Growing up I always wanted to break free and explore the world around me, when I got accepted into Barry University I did not know what to expect. My freshman year I was so shocked when I came to Barry because the school was diverse, in Mableton you were either Black, White, or Hispanic, but at Barry everyone was different. Immediately I fell in love with my school because diversity was alive and racism was limited. One thing Barry University has taught me is to love my neighbor because, at the end of the day no matter what color, ethnicity, gender, age, or religion we are all human beings. Barry has been valuable for me to attend because it has introduced me to diverse people and Barry has also provided me wonderful network opportunities so I can succeed in my professional life.


Always follow your dreams no matter how many obstacles that come up!


I have learned to manage my time to focus on my academics and that diversity is one of the greatest things you can have before you go out into the real world. Learned how to be a better student and friend.


I have been able to understand various perspecitves and schools of thought. This includes experiences not only inside the classroom but out. My college experience has been full of moments which have turned out to be lifelong lessons that I will be able to use in the work place, in my pursuit of a graduate degree and the rest of my life's journey.


I have obtained a feeling of fulfillment from my college experience; also I have become one step away from reaching my goal. During my years at college I gained most of the necessary tools to make me an excellent candidate for the pharmacy field. And most of all I have gained a sense of tolerance towards every ethnic group, religious views and political ideas.


My experience in college as a college student has been great. I enjoy the learning environment, as well as the knowledge that I acquired from Barry University. It is very rewarding to speak and interract with others on professional and educated level.


Attending college has helped me to understand my own capabilities as a student and a learner. It has destroyed cultural boundaries, as I am able to communicate with every person I see, whether it'd be an African American or a Middle Eastern. It has helped me to become more independent, competent, and responsible in my every day life. Overall, it has shaped me into a more understanding, open minded, individual. It has opened my eyes and to a better understanding of the world. I have learned to see that the differences that seperate us in culture are the differences that make us interesting and beautiful as people.