Barry University Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I wish I had learned about the crime rate that surround my school and its food is really like.


I wish I would have know that the school no longer had journalism as a major. Even though I am now a communications major, which I am happy and content with, my original passion and major was journalism. I had heard many great things about their journalism program before I applied to the school. When I then tried to switch journalism to be my minor I was told it was no longer offered as a major or minor and it really saddened me.


I wish I had know that Florida Public transportation is really bad. And, that tuition increases every year by about $1000.00! For the most part I enjoyed attending Barry University.


Nothing, I am completly satisfied with Barry University.


That living on campus your freshman year is important to become part of a social group and have lots of parties to go to.


I would've wanted to know that credits are not easily transferred from other schools and/or to other schools.


I wish I knew how culturally diverse this University is. I feel ignorant to other students' backgrounds sometimes but try my hardest to learn. I also wish I knew about the additional extra curricular activites Barry has that most schools dont like the Opulent Image Modeling Agency.


I wish I would have known the lack of respect and caring that the staff has for students. And the lack of communication between departments at this University. It seems as if the staff doesn't know how to use a phone or email.


That I could have bargained for more financial aid.


all was great