Actually, for many students, yes. But definitely not everyone. There are plenty of level headed people who are working to pay for this school for themselves. But there are also plenty of people (women especially) who are addicted to "daddy's credit card".
Yes and no. I think all college students live in a college bubble but Baylor's is worse because we are in waco and we stay within our campus more often.
Well, I'm sure many students from other schools would make comments on how stuck up and filthy rich we are, and for the most part, they're right. I don't include myself with these people, and I'm certainly not talking about every individual at Baylor, but there is a large number of people at this school, both students and teachers, who behave as if they own the world.
There are definitely a LOT of people like that, but not everyone at Baylor comes from a wealthy family. I certainly don't! But one good thing about having a "financially blessed" student body (and therefore a well-funded university) is that Baylor is able to provide a lot of great services and facilities that you might not find at a state school.
1) yes
2) for the most part
To some extent, yes. Baylor is predominently white, and many are from well-to-do families and do want a "ring by spring."
The "snob" stereotype is accurate for a higher percentage of people than other schools I've been around. The most abundant accumulation of these type of people exist in the Greek system. That said, there are still many students in and out of the Greek systems who are indeed down to earth, but you may need to look a little hard to find them.
The religious stereotype is less accurate. There are a lot of students, more so girls than guys, in whom it is obvious that they hold their faith very close. However, it is college, and at one point or another, you will find most all students here will throw their inhibitions to the wind.
A little. We are shelterd somewhat but that can be a blessing. When you are first getting to college you are bound make mistakes and go crazy. However, I feel like Baylor doesnt let you go too wild. You are surrounded for the most part by people who have morals and values and were brought up like you. There are fun things to do here and its not like going to church camp by any means.