Baylor University Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at Baylor University?


Some assume Baylor is extremely and completely Baptist. Others think the Christians there are mostly fake. The girls are rich, blond daddy's girls in sororities, looking for husbands. It's easy to get in; it's not a serious academic place to go.


Baylor is supposed to be this big Christian college, but still welcoming to all people. It's not a party school, and the people should be a little nicer and more hospitable than the average student because we're Christians. Here you have the "Baylor family" and it should feel like home.


rich and preppy


Most people think that Baylor is an extremely grounded and non'party' school, but they are wrong. There is just as much drugs, sex and alcohol at Baylor, as there is at any average public school. The Baylor girls also have a bad rep for being dumb, and only going to school to get their MRS degree... a ring by spring.... i would like to think that it isnt true... but the longer i am around the campus, the more i see that this stereotype has some solid validity.


stuck-up, rich, white


rich, snots, preppy, fake Christians


Baylor has a bubble, which is relatively unaware of what goes on in Waco or the rest of the world. Baylor girls, particularly sorority girls are only here for an engagement ring.


That we are rich stuck up college students who get mommy and daddy to buy everything for us or get us out of trouble. Also, Baylor is just a bunch of conservative Baptists.


Most people think that Baylor students are upstanding women and men. Most Baylor girls simply want to get married to a Baylor man. Baylor tries to put up the front of an inclusive community where everybody gets along. Everybody goes to church together on Sundays and laughs and frolicks in the gardens in front of Pat Neff. Since everybody at Baylor is supposed to be a good Christian, Baylor would never condonde partying or anything inappropriate.


One of the major stereotypes are that students are rich and naive.