Baylor University Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about Baylor University?


The most frustrating thing about Baylor University is that everyone seems to be the same. All the guys wear the same thing, as do the girls. People are always joking about "Generic Baylor Girls" and "Generic Baylor Guys." College is a time to discover who you really are, not to follow and fit in like you tried to the first 18 years of your life. It's frustrating that people are not mature enough to understand that, and continue to follow the crowd.


The most frustrating thing about Baylor is the lack of diversity. The social status gap is very wide. Most kids have enough money to waste on things that aren't neccessary. At Baylor you either have no money or your parents are loaded. There is also a lack of racial diversity, being that most races keep to their own. There's Asian student groups, Black student groups, Hispanic groups, and Caucasian groups. At a Baptist University you would think there would be a group all students for God together.


Poor school spirit among students


Well once you are in the Nursing program you are required to take a certain amount of hours in a semester and sometimes it can be overwhelming.


The most frustrating thing about school is trying to attend a school that offers so much, but doesn't put the information out there for it's students to find out. It's very frustrating to find out about different oppotunities offered by the University after you already passed the need for them. Baylor offers things, such as emergency loans, that most of it's students are unaware about unless someone who has found out the information tell you about it. The hidden opportunites are single-handedly the most frustrating aspect of this school.


The Texas heat!! It is so hot here in the first and last months of school!!


Lack of parking.


The most frustrating thing about BU is that the school is extremly expensive and not only that but most of the people that go here are well off and seem to not worry about their finances as much as the minority do. It seems to promote a style that some people just can't afford to take part in.


The most frustrating thing about my school was how much money it cost to go there. I paid for a quality education, and I feel like I only received a mediocre education in comparison to what could have been given to me for the money my parents and I paid.


Having to attend Chapel twice a week. Monday's are lectures and Wednesday's are worship. However, they are interesting. We've had the Robbie Seay Band, Michael Franzese, and many more wonderful speakers and singers.