When choosing a college, every know the sensible thing to do is to make sure that your major is provided and that at the school it is a good program. However, one important thing you must do when looking for a college is to VISIT the college. You will never know if it is place for you unless you visit. It is very important that you feel comfortable and safe, because after all, you will be living there. Also, talk to all the advisors and professors you can and keep asking questions until they are completely honest with you. Sometimes when you visit these people will lie, trying to get you to come under false pretences. Don't let this happen to you! Make sure to ask many questions of many people MANY times.
Try to visit as many of your top-choice colleges as you can. That way, you can get to know the campus and faculty, but also more importantly, the type of people that attend. Make sure you feel comfortable in the environment - don't go to a major university in a big city just because you think that you have to. A lot of great campuses are nestled away but still have a lot to offer. When you get to school, choose activities that excite you. It's not high school anymore - you don't have to do things just because it's cool or your friends do them. If you like acting, try out for a play. Take advantage of the surroundings of the school too. Visit museums, try different restaurants, and enjoy the uniqueness of the place you will call home for the next four years. Most importantly, don't forget why you are there. The excitement of college life can be really overwhelming, but learn early how to balance work and play.
Visit all of the schools that you are thinking about attending in order to get an idea of what the campus is really like. Once you are at the school that you decided was the best fit for you, then get involved and find out what your interests are. Definitely stay committed to your academic goals and what you want to achieve in the future, but don't forget to have fun in the process.
Don't set limitations, because anything is possible to be completely honest. Let yourself or your child go where they feel most comfortable, but only after you have researched well when it comes to social life (because a campus that only wants to drink and party is boring), safety, academics, and area. Never be afraid to go where you feel you need to. Don't hold yourself back, because these are great years. Don't waste you time in college you probably won't get it back. However, make sure you find the right college. Searching for the right one isn't wasting time. Being at the wrong one is.
The parents and there childeren or child should both like the college. Make sure that there is something for your child to do on and off campus so your child feels like he or she has a life outside of college. As well make sure it is a good learning environment for your child to succeed. Last but not least make sure that its not too far away just in case of an emergency. Thoes things are what parents and childern should look for in a college.
Find the right college and give lots of support.