The worst thing about Bethany is the fact that it's in a small town and there is nothing to do. Weekends get really boring and some of the facilities are not in the best shape. The internet connection is terrible at times but for the most part its okay.
Having an instructor who forces his opinions on the subject he's teaching to his students. Whenever a student speaks of her/his own opinion, he's saying it's incorrect. The subject had a variety of answerable answers, he believed his is the only right one.
Bethany College is a great place to learn and start a new chapter in my life. The only thing I would change about Bethany College is that it is extremely expensive for me because I do not have the financial support of my parents. Other than that I hope that Bethany College continues to help me on my path.
How small the school is. I just wish that we would be bigger and more programs to offer the students.
The price of the school is definitely its major hang up.
To me personally; the worst thing about my college is how far it is away from my house. It is about a five hour drive for me, and in a compeletly different state then what I live in. But it is totally worth it!
The worst thing about Bethany College is the cafeteria food! I say this because I can't think of anything about this school that I don't like or would want to change because it has been an amazing experience for me so far. So, I would have to say the food because I don't think anything will ever compare to mom's home cooking and like in high school some of the meals they serve are a little questionable.
The cost to attend bethany is the biggest issue for me. When i first came to Bethany, everything i experienced on my first visit just screamed out for me to attend there. It was the best decision of my life, Ihave a great golf coach, amazing friends, the best girlfriend anyone could ask for and gods presence is definatly felt on this campus. However, the tuition fees have risen and with my parents divorcing at christmas, my Mum is struggling to pay the fees needed for me to attend Bethany. I guess thats why im filling this scholarship form out.
If I had to pick a worst thing about Bethany it would be all the drinking and smoking that goes on. We are in college to study, not to party. While I personally do not partake in such partying, it still provides a distraction from my studies.
Theres nothing terrible about Bethany College, but I do wish the campus was bigger. It's nice to be able to walk everywhere, but seeing the same people everyday gets a little old
The desks are around 30 yrs old. They are updating the outside of the campus but not the inside.
The worst thing about this school os that there is not much of a social life on campus. I think there should be more places and activities for students to be involved.