Biola University Top Questions

What are the most popular student activities/groups?


I cannot imagine every getting bored at a school like Biola. Athletics are definitely well-attended, and being a volleyball player, I know how fun it is when a big crowd shows up at almost every game. Men's basketball is the most attended sporting event, I believe, and it is so fun to go and watch people that you know play sports. Also, in the Fall, there is a huge event called Midnight Madness, which kicks of the start of the basketball season as well as highlights all the athletic teams at Biola. This is something that students look forward to every year. Not only that, but the music program is awesome and it is so fun to watch them perform. There are a variety of different music and theater performances to attend, and the other night I went to the Christmas program and it was incredible. I met my friends through volleyball and getting to know the other athletes, but there is also a great opportunity at the beginning of the year called SOS. Every freshman is put into a group, and the first 3 or 4 days of school consists of hanging out and getting to know your classmates and Biola in general. The dorms are also a great place to make friends. Each floor has RA's that truly want the floor to get to know each other and have a good time, and events like All-Halls, floor meetings, and floor retreats are always fun. One big tradition at Biola is Mock Rock, which I plan on being a part of in the Spring. It is a big lip-syncing and dancing competition, and teams get really into it. The weekends are so fun when you're a student at Biola because you and your friends will have no problem finding fun, safe things to do. Because we are so close to LA and the beach, those are always fun places to go with your friends. I also hear about people going line-dancing, visiting friends at colleges nearby, or going shopping at any of the great malls nearby. It is safe to say that there is always something to do at Biola, and there are always fun people to get to know.


I cannot imagine every getting bored at a school like Biola. Athletics are definitely well-attended, and being a volleyball player, I know how fun it is when a big crowd shows up at almost every game. Men's basketball is the most attended sporting event, I believe, and it is so fun to go and watch people that you know play sports. Also, in the Fall, there is a huge event called Midnight Madness, which kicks of the start of the basketball season as well as highlights all the athletic teams at Biola. This is something that students look forward to every year. Not only that, but the music program is awesome and it is so fun to watch them perform. There are a variety of different music and theater performances to attend, and the other night I went to the Christmas program and it was incredible. I met my friends through volleyball and getting to know the other athletes, but there is also a great opportunity at the beginning of the year called SOS. Every freshman is put into a group, and the first 3 or 4 days of school consists of hanging out and getting to know your classmates and Biola in general. The dorms are also a great place to make friends. Each floor has RA's that truly want the floor to get to know each other and have a good time, and events like All-Halls, floor meetings, and floor retreats are always fun. One big tradition at Biola is Mock Rock, which I plan on being a part of in the Spring. It is a big lip-syncing and dancing competition, and teams get really into it. The weekends are so fun when you're a student at Biola because you and your friends will have no problem finding fun, safe things to do. Because we are so close to LA and the beach, those are always fun places to go with your friends. I also hear about people going line-dancing, visiting friends at colleges nearby, or going shopping at any of the great malls nearby. It is safe to say that there is always something to do at Biola, and there are always fun people to get to know.


AS is our student run organization that handles student funding and spends it based on what students feel needs fixing the most. I am getting involved with AS next semester. And currently I'm involved with my schools radio program, and a few clubs that interested me as well. There is little to no partying/drinking. Athletic events are a must attend! Theater is popular, the christmas tree lighting just took place and was a fantastic event. Usually, a few of my friends and I go off campus to eat and try new restaurants around La Mirada.


SOS (Student Orientation Services) This group is responsible for new student orientation. Associated Students - Student government on campus SMU (Student Missionary Union) This group is the largest student-run Christian missions organization in the world. They organize missions trips all around the world Intramural Sports - Teams of students compete on sports teams from volleyball, basketball, and soccer to Ultimate frisbee and softball


There are many activist groups on campus. This includes a Muslim ministry, Mormon ministry, Social justice ministry, Prison ministry, and Human Trafficking ministry. There are also many clubs at Biola like the Fencing club, Adventure club, Dance club, and Poetry club. I was involved with Muslim ministries and we visited mosques, learned about Islam, and made Muslim friends. Students leave their doors open and unlocked most of the time in all of the dorms. Athletic events are highly advertised and pretty popular. Chapels are always full and we have had speakers from Harvard, Yale, Wheaton, and different missionaries. Biola is called the Bridal Institute of Los Angeles because most students end up meeting their future spouse in their four years here. I met my closest friends on my dorm floor and in my journalism classes If I am awake at 2am on a Tuesday, I'm probably in the dorm lobby hanging out with my friends and doing homework. People here rarely party--it's against contract. We don't have fraternities or sororities, however, each dorm has such a close community and has their own traditions that they are almost better than sororities and fraternities...and they are co ed. Last weekend, I hung out with some friends from LMU and showed them around Biola. On Saturday nights, we go swing dancing (yes, it's allowed), ice skating, the movies, the beach, City Walk, Downtown Disney or Disney land. Off campus, I mostly shop and eat, but other students live and work off campus.


The athletics department and gym/track are full of every kind of lifelong athlete and average exerciser. There is an average sense of school pride at sporting events and there are always concerts and events on the weekends. You will never be bored at Biola. There is always, always, always something intriguing going on.


I am part of the mens soccer team at Biola, I have noticed that our school likes to attend many of the sporting events, Most friends will plan to go to the sporting events in big groups and even tailgate before the game. Every year there is a major competition between the dorms, each dorm battles it out in an intense dodgeball tournament. One of the popular traditions at Biola are "grads" (Get Your Roommate a date). The way a GYRAD works is your roommate will find a date for you and then you and your dorm floor prepare a cool date. Gyrads have varied from ice skating to hot air ballooning.


SOS (Student Orientation Services - this group is entirely responsible for the Freshmen Orientation Week that kicks off the start of the academic year) SMU (Student Missionary Union - the largest student-run Christian missions organization in the world) Associated Students (student government/leadership development) Torrey Honors Institute (Biola's honors program that traces the development of western culture through engaging the great classics via the socratic method)