Biola University Top Questions

What kind of person should attend Biola University?


A student must have a profession of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and have a heart to make an impact on the world for His names sake. Any person who is seeking to know more about Biblical truth and has a yearning to grow as a whole person: emotionally, academically, and spiritually. A student who truly has a desire to be challenged as well as grow and mature in their faith and academic studies. Someone who is willing to ask hard questions about life and has a yearning to answer those questions truthfully and with boldness.


If you want to attend a Evangelical University than Biola is probably the school for you. You receive a Minor (or Major) in Biblical Studies/Theology by fulfilling your Bible class requirements. People are friendly and I enjoy my time here.


fun, happy, christian, follower of Jesus Christ, one who wants to persue ministry, artistic


Someon seeking to find a safe place to grow and develop their beliefs, values and get a vision for their purpose in the future.


Students seeking an education experience deep-rooted in biblical and spiritual influences should attend this school. Biola is for students who want to prepare for the world in a way that will effect them eternally.


A Christian who wants to focus on their spiritual growth along with preparing themselves for the professional world.


A Christian, some one who is on fire for learning, makig life long friends, those who want to be happy and not feel alone. Those who attend Biola usually have a positive view on life, are eager to be kind generous and always offer their hand when someone is in need. Some one who is not afraid to sing, dance, or just sit quitly and smile. Everyone is nice, people will compliment you, people will smile when they make eye contact, some will wave, some will stop just to simply ask how you day is going. thats a Biolian.


The type of person who should attend thi s school is a sincere Christian who is looking to grow in their faith with tons of other amazing people. Biola is much stronger on the liberal arts side, but there are opportunities for those in technical fields as well. If you want to go to a huge school don't come here.


I think that Biola is perfect for anyone who wants to be challenged academically as well as in their Christian faith. I LOVE the school and I have not met anyone who doesn't.