Unfortuantely, if you are not a Christian, you cannot attend this magnificent school. Anybody seeking the stereotypical lifestyle portrayed in media about college should not attend BU. There are no frats, no substanance use allowed or even done anywhere on campus. The parties held here uphold the college standard. The community standards are simple and possible, and if you break contract, you cant return.
A student who would not find Biola Univeristy a good fit for them could be described in the following way: a non-Christian, loves the partying scene, sexually active, would hate compulsory chapel, likes a big city environment, loves huge crowds, and, overall, subscribes to secular philosophy.
One that does NOT want to meet friends they want to keep for a lifetime, or one who WANTS to spend time partying, drinking and doing drugs as a regular part of their college experience.
Someone with a lack of proper funding should not attend this school. It is very expensive and unless you can receive a lot of financial aid, it becomes difficult to afford.
Students who are seaking a major in hispanic studies or language. The program had recently closed and wasn't the strongest program when it was open.
People who think they know everything should not attend Biola. People who fail to see the value in others' perspectives should not attend Biola. People who are parochial and narrow-minded should not attend Biola.
Biola university is strictly for students that are follwers of Christ. They don't accept those who are of other religions and they ask for your testimony as well. Also, those christians who would like to experience the "real college experience" should not attend this school because they ask you to sign a contract saying that the student will not drink,smoke, have sex, and etc.
If you need a small rural setting, Biola is not the place for you. Biola is not a party school, so partiers should look elsewhere.
Biola welcomes all types of people, but I feel that those who do not want to learn about the Lord and further his kingdom would not be happy here simply because that is what Biola's mission is. Biola strives to incorporate the Christian worldview into every class, and if this is not what you want to spend your days doing, Biola is probably not the school for you.
The kind of people that should not attend Biola University are those that are interested in partying through college, as this will not be tolerated.