The more people we judge, the less people we see. I wish I could go back and tell my bright-eyed freshmen self “Don’t be so judgmental.” When I first set foot on a college campus, it was so easy to judge people prematurely. I just left every friend I knew and arrived at a campus with over 4,000 students living in a few square miles. I wanted so desperately to find a group of friends, that I latched on to the first acquaintances that seemed nice and avoided anyone who exuded “awkward,” “annoying,” or “weird.” However, eventually the people I thought I would hate became my good friends. That gangly kid who hid behind glasses, curly hair, and a giant set of headphones became my lab partner and the only one in class who knew anything about chemistry. The short guy from Oakland who used ridiculous slang words knew the best Korean BBQ restaurants to take our group to every month. That gruff jock with the Mohawk became the co-captain of my Ultimate Frisbee team and my favorite person to discuss Plato’s Symposium with. The more people you judge, the fewer friends you have.
As a senior in high school I would have like to have been told to slow down and enjoy each and every moment. There is something unique about every big event, every small moment, and every day that we are alive on this Earth that should be treasured and appreciated for what it is worth. As a senior, I was eager to be out of high school and into college. Although I would not say that I missed many highschool expierences by this eagerness, I would say that I still wish that I had taken the time to slow down, breathe, and reflect on the goodness of every day. Having grown in many ways over the course of my first year of college, I have come to learn that every moment and laugh will be remembered and that when it comes down to the stressful, hard, and downright chaotic times of school, the reltionships that I have built over the year will be right there with me holding my hand and I will be able to truly appreciate this for all of the moments, big and small, that have led up to this one.
Being a college student is an extremely formative stage of life. Use this time to lay a solid foundation for the person you would be proud to be. Develop a good work ethic by doing your best in your classes. Set goals and remember what you are working for and towards. Manage your time so that you do not miss out on everything that school has to offer you. These experiences and relationships are invaluable and they will help you become you. That being said, you know how you tend to gravitate towards people that are similar to you? Try your best to let go of that. You are holding yourself back from so many great things. College is a season of learning, but do not limit yourself to only learning inside of a classroom. Learn to learn from everyone around you. Do not assume that someone has more to offer because of their age, interests, views, social status, or the people they hang out with. This is one of the most diverse environments you'll ever be in, so take advantage of it. College has more to offer you than a diploma, so make the most of it.
Knowing what I know now, the fundamental word of advice I would give my younger self can be summed up in this old age adage: less is much more. Entering college is an exciting time for anyone! University life is brimming with opportunities for academic and professional advancement (as well as friends and fun of course)! However with so much pressure to achieve societal upward mobility, the aforementioned things can easily become superficial markers of achievement instead of enriching experiences. When we see all of these opportunities as things to be “had”, we focus on getting them rather than cherishing them. Practically this principle can be summed up with these two words: slow down. Relax. These four years will be filled with innumerable opportunities. Seize a few and cherish them well throughout the years. Don’t try to do every internship that you are qualified for. Choose one or two and stick with them. Stop trying so hard to make friends with every person you meet. Instead pursue things you are good at and that really enrich your life, and true friends will come. Work hard at a few things with a few good people, and enjoy the time.
First and foremost, try to not be afraid because this journey is going to be great. In your yearbook you see the sang "don't change", college is not going to change who you are, but it is going to go stretch you and mature you. Be open and allow yourself to question everything. Be confident in who you are and what you want. You may not always know what you want but hold on to any little bit of certainty. You are going to be given great responsibilities so do not abuse it! Pray for guidence when times get tough, because it will get difficult. Do not give up. Embrace the good inside you and show people who put you down (may even be yourself) that you are capable and strong. Meet new people and build relationships with classmates and professors; put yourself out there. Join clubs, get involved with activities at your school, and have fun. Also, have some quiet time to reflect on your day or what you are learning. Balance is so important (and so is sleep!). Discover who you are meant to be. Be patient with time but do not waste it.
Don't take school work to seriously. Grades, tests and homework are very important, but you learn more about life by actually living it, than by digging your nose in a text book. Take plenty of time to enjoy the few years that you have and make lasting friendships and memories. College isn't only about earning a degree; it's about growing up and learning how to live a fulfilling life. It all starts here.
As a senior I wish I would have taken in the experience of high school while I was still there. Once you are a senior I feel like the future of college is at the forefront of one's mind and many forget to be present where they are at in that time. So enjoy, learn, and embrace the last year of secondary school before entering an entirely new experience. I do not think there is one solution or piece of advice to give for those going into college but something I would voice would be to go in with some kind of intention. Whether it is to do your best academically, or to participate in various clubs and activities, or to study abroad, the list goes on and on, but the best advice I could have is to start with a goal or purpose and to be mindful that it might change but it is better to start with something and go from there instead of start with no ambition and lose the opportunities to be shaped and molded by what your university has to offer.
Identity. That would be the one word I would say if I could talk to my senior self. When I came to college I thought I knew who I was and confident in myself, but it wasn't until I came to college, made a few mistakes, and tried to fit in with different cliques of people that I realized I needed to figure out who I was before I started making new friends. I would tell myself that you don't need to try and act like you can do it all on your own because it is okay to shed a few tears and it is okay to have a melt down every now and then. I would remind myself, that I don't have to carry the world on my shoulders and I don't have to try and act tough. I would tell myself that family is there for encouragement and my goal should not be to shun them but instead accept their instruction and remember where I come from. I could have saved myself a lot of heartache and trouble if I just knew what I stood for when I came to college.
If I had the ability to go back in time to my senior year, I would have invested more time durring the summer break submiting as many scholarships as possible. I regret not informing myself more about financial aid opportunities. I have found it challenging to take advantage of all the univeristy's resources for the lack of funds to live on campus. Most of their free tutoring sessions begin late in the evening when I must head home. In addition, I would have taken multiple AP courses that would transfer into the university. Being the first of my family to attend college, I must pave the road for my siblings. Although going back in time is not realistic, I have learned very valuable information that will certainly be passed to others that follow.
I would tell myself to wake up and enjoy the freedom of high school, and better prepare myself for the stresses of college. I lost a family member my senior year, and mourned his death for the entire second semester, missing out on some great memories that I could have made with my friends. Also, because I was in mourning, I did not work as hard as I usually would. I still managed to maintain a relatively high class rank, but I never gave it my all. Attending college the next fall was a bit of a culture shock, and I quickly had to kick it in gear and get back to the hard working student I am. I so badly wish I could have realized that I was missing out on life back when it was so easy and fun to live it up. Death is a part of life, so you must love everyone with all you've got and live to the fullest. Mourn your loved ones passing, but don't let it get in the way of your future. Like the sweet fish Dory in Finding Nemo says, "Just keep swimming." Always remember to stay positive.