The advice that I would give to parents would be to respect their childrens choices as to what kind of school that they want to attend within reason. It is important to support them in this very important step in their life. The advice I would give to students is that no matter how rough it may get stay strong and keep going because going to college and finishing is someting that you can always fall back on and will never regret. Whether you use your degree or not it is an experience of a lifetime where you will meet people from so many places and walks of life. Your experiences and interactions with these people will help to shape you in so many ways. All of these things combined will stay with you forever. Also, it is not about going to the "cool" school or what other people think. You should attend a college that you feel will suit you best and meet your personal and educational needs. Remember to always be yourself because that will help you to learn and grow as a person.
Make sure that you make time to visit the schools being considered. By doing that, you will be able to get an idea of the campus and how the students and professors interact with each other. Visiting the school will also provide an idea of how you will be able to adapt to the trasition from high school to college. This will be your new home for possibly four or more years. You want to make sure it is comfortable. I would also recommend applying to more than one school. Not only does it raise your chances of being accepted into college, it broadens your horizons. Don't limit yourself to one school because you never know what you will be missing out on from other schools.
College experiences are unique and precious to those hoping to create some for themselves. There is no one great advice to give to parents and/or students, but the one thing I would say to those seeking guidance: Make sure you know what you want. Having an inkling of where you want to be or knowing exactly what you are going to be in a certain amount of years makes a difference to the college experience. Knowing what the future could be allows the student to set goals, aim high, and follow through with them. Though trying to figure out what you want may seem like a daunting task, it does not have to be. There are many advisors and counselors on campuses that are trained and qualified to aid the student in setting their paths towards the future. Additionally, students should note that goals can change and morph into something new. Being open and ready for the future is a great characteristic to have. As long as the student makes an effort in learning what they want, for them an interesting, challenging college experience is just around the corner.
As a Student Ambassador for my school I have assisted and advised many students and parents with choosing the right school. One thing that I advised everyone when choosing a school was to visit the school. Seeing the school on a personally level is very important, because it gives the student a look at where they would be spending a majority of their time, and it will allow the parents to see the security and hazards their children would face while away at school.
Secondly, it is best for the student to make a friend who is already in that school. In this way, the student will have a good resource for finding information and tool when in need of assistance. Also, when the student attends that school for themself, they will have someone to make their college experience richer and fuller.
When the student gets to school they just need to try to enjoy themselves. Academically, the student wants to be on the good foot, (that is most important), but they also want to have fun and enjoy the time they have in this experience. They should use this time to learn and grow in the world around them.
I would tell parents/students to make sure to find a college that offers courses for the major they want. I would also tell them to visit the college! It is easy to fall in love with a college by reading about it, but unless you visit it, you can never truely knbow what it is like. When you visit the college you should also talk to current students about like on and around campus. This will let you kno if it is the right place for you.
About making the most of the college experience, I would say to make friends and get involved on activities on campus. I am a commuter myself and I would hardly know anyone if I did not get involved with clubs and activities.