Boise State University Top Questions

Describe the students at Boise State University.


My classmates are friendly and helpful, I love knowning that no matter where I sit the person next to me will be polite and open to new ideas.


Cautiously ambitious for the future.


Friendly and helpful.


My classmates are self-motivated, talented individuals who are goal oriented, thinkers, learners, contributors and are not afraid to learn and show the world the beauty that lies within them through their higher education goals.


In my classes, my classmates are people who are aiming for a career in the psychology field so they are eager to learn, ask a lot of questions, and aren't afraid to make their opinion known.


They are very relaxed, easy-going, and easy to get along with.


My classmates are good listening and helping individuals, who enjoy group study.


My classmates at Boise State not merely "my classmates"; they are the friends that enrich and enhance my academic experiences through their faithful dedication.


Since I am in a program, the nursing prgram we want everyone to suceed and so we stick together and help eachother out as much as possible, we are all close


I have found my classmates to be diverse in age, socioeonomic class, political & spiritual views.