Boise State University Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about Boise State University?


I think that the school and the area has lots of potential to grow and become an actuall community. So its exiciting when you actually get something done for the community or start a campaighn because its probably the first time the towns seen something like that.


I brag most about the opportunities I am given because I am a part of the Honors College. I also brag about our football team, since it is a major part of the school and is the main cause of school spirit.


I brag most about the fact that Boise State is far better in every way than its rival the University of Idaho, and that it is one of the fastest growing schools that I know of.


That its a University not a community college. It is the capitals school, so its important. The football team as well is a big hit.


I often brag about individual teachers, especially in the English department. Usually people brag about the football team but I'm not really interested in sports, even though the football team is pretty amazing. I try mostly to get my friends to have professors I've had so they can get an amazing experience like me.


the teachers that i have liked


that I am almost done


Our football team is doing really well and has been for the past three or four years.


Great facilities, great price.


The thing that I brag about the most when I tell my friends about Boise State University is the football team! The students at Boise State are full of school spirit, and that is something that I am really proud of! We always come to the home games with so much excitement and pride!