Boise State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Boise State University know before they start?


If I could go back in time and give myself advice as a high school senior, it would be that the last year does matter and I should really focus on my english grade. I would also tell myself to really think about applying for scholarships and more than just two schools.


"College may seem like an easy transition at first but MARK MY WORDS, it will get more difficult. As well as more expensive. Get a job ASAP and apply for every scholarship you can in your free time. Stop sitting around and playing video games all the time and spend more time studying and sleeping. Just keep the recreation to a minimum. Try to eat more healthy and low-cost foods."


I would tell myself that although people say college really is a lot different, it really is! I will have to work so much harder, there really is homework almost every night, and as students we actually need to understand what is being discussed and things need to be taken very seriously.


Save money and learn to drive sooner and get a dependable car. Apply to more scholarships.


I would tell myself to stay positive and not feel intimidated and to know that by enrolling in school that it will allow be to pursue my dreams and goals.


Take a few courses in summer school. Don't work too much and always retake classes if the first attempt was less than what you thought was good. Don't be too overly confident in your grades because there is always someone with better grades than you. College is expensive and competitive so don't waste time with meaningless committments.


Work those extra hours at the mine! I promise the extra money will be very needed by the second semester because finding a job in Boise is much harder than you think. Dont push yourself too hard this summer, you'll get too sick and miss out on a ton of work because you don't just go to the doctor sooner. Really study and try to remember those vocabulary words in English, Mrs. James taught you how to boost your Readability level for a reason, it helps your college papers sound much better. Oh yeah and definitely take Spanish two! You'll dread taking it in college but of course it's required and that little refresher will be very helpful when taking the college class that is mostly taught in Spanish. Living on campus is good, but be ready for a totally different experience, loud people 24/7, annoying roommates, and a very messy room all the time. Talk to the cheer coach more, make sure she knows you and show off what you can do at tryouts don't be shy! Get involved right away, greek life and the rec will be your new best friends.


I would tell myself to get with it. I was a lazy high schooler. I didn't have very good studying habits. I never needed them my grades were fantastic anyways. I would procrastinate also. In high school it's not that big of a deal, but when your in college it's an entirely different thing. You don't catch up if you fall behind and I was made very aware of this before I even went to my classes. I would tell myself to start learning to use all the resources that were being thrown at me. I tended to take things for granted and it meant i had a late start in getting used to it all. I never went to tutoring so it was a totally new and uncomfortable experience. My main message would be to stop slacking off and start learning to think critically.


I would say that dont listen to people who gives you advice that doesnt help you or will affect you along the way as you go, only listen to your heart and to your parents because they are they most valuble people in life and they make the "right" choices in life, it might be little tough but you will have happiness at the end. you will be happy with the decisions made by your parents. always believe and be confident in yourself and your parents. never give up.....


I would tell myself to do a little soul searching the summer before going to college for the first year, because knowing, or having a pretty good idea what you want to do and where you want to be in life after college graduation is very important. College is a huge investment into your future, and any investment worth taking, is unfortunately expensive, you don't want to waste your time, or money and you want to get the absolute most out of the experience. To be a good college student you have to find a finite balance between having fun and studying, and you will need to do alot of studying as College is nothing like High School. Learn from your mistakes, have fun, and be committed to making the absolute best future for yourself and whoever else you bring with you in your journey. If you find after highschool graduation that you are not ready, trust yourself and either take a semester off, or take a few exploratory classes at a community college, but take it from me don't wait too long to go back because the longer you wait the harder things get.