Answer to the questions: What is your favorite movie? What is the best class you’ve ever taken? What do you do when you have an hour to kill?
Answer to the questions: What is your favorite movie? What is the best class you’ve ever taken? What do you do when you have an hour to kill?
This I really hate about BC: there are so few international students. There is practically NO diversity at all. It is almost an all american college and I think this is ridiculous because you can learn soo much when international students participate in class because they bring in diversity and challege to all topics discussed because of their different cultures and ways of thinking!
students are active in issues involving race gender religion and sexuality. of course there are some issues, as there are on all college campuses. BC students are dispersed all throughout the political spectrum. the students are open-minded.
BC is not very diverse. Most kids are white, middle class kids from private schools. Many kids wear sweatpants and T shirts to class, some wear jeans and a polo shirt. In general, EVERYTHING has a BC logo on it. Different types of students interact, often so that kids can go home and tell everyone that they have a diverse group of friends. If there are four tables at the dining hall, one table has 6 football/basketball players, all above 6'5" and 215 pounds, wearing 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} BC Football clothing, and one cheerleader sitting with them. The next table is full of rich white kids who used to play sports in high school, talking about the previous night's flag football game as if it was some monumental sporting event. The next table is a small group of kids with black clothing and pins all over their side-bags, discussing worldly topics that they have just read about in some random news-page article, throwing out quotes and statistics about a subject they truly know nothing about. They last table is a 20 foot long table with 30 Asian kids speaking languages other than English, so I don't know what they're talking about to be honest. The last table is not my racial stereotype, I've seen tables like that every, single, day at BC.
Socio-economic issues sometimes do arise. There are often a lot of rich students so it's hard to keep up with the social life that comes with that. But there are also plenty of students who are poor college students and try to make fun with out spending money.
the student body varies. like I said above there is a predominance of bros and bro-ettes who are generally rich, white, spoiled, politically unaware, ignorant and unopen to other cultures. of course, thats not everybody, but if youre not like that you will feel out of place until you find all the other quasi-alienated kids. if you dont like playing beer pong and listening to shitty pop-rap on the weekends, get out into boston or go somewhere else.
what kind of students would feel out of place at BC? the arty ones. BC has NO ART DEPT. they say they do, but its a thinly veiled lie. and so there are not a lot of arty kids. you know the kind. hipsters and hippies. tight pants. that kind of thing. there is a small core constituency though, and Im a part of it. it centers around BCs radio station, WZBC, which is well respected within the independent music scene. it basically saved my college life. A lot of people listen to ZBC, but none of them actually go to school at BC; its all locals and people around the world via the internet. the 'hipsters' at BC are not so haughty, as say perhaps NYU, where they breed like rats. outside of that, there are arty, poetic kids around, pot heads, people that experiment with psychedelics, but you gotta seek them out. its not easy.
BC's student body is not diverse at all. Most kids are rich, white, fit and insanely preppy. These studenst seems to fit into the mold. BC is a conservative Jesuit school, and the students seem to fit this image. There aren't crazy piercings, visible tatoos, or tattered clothing found on BC students, they just seem to look like the kid next door (from Greenwich Connecticut).
However, with division one athletics the school does bring in some minorities and the insane athletic scholarships help diversify the socioeconmic backgrounds. The athletes are respected and they help unify the school. Honestly, a minority will not be discriminated against, a fat person at BC will probably affront the most discrimination.
I'm not gonna lie; BC is pretty much Whitebread U. A large majority of students are white, middle-class, and from the northeast. If you're really serious about immersing yourself in diversity, don't come here. However, beyond the lack of diversity, the student body is amazing. Virtually everyone is intelligent, friendly, social, and involved. Everyone is happy to be here and loving college life. Not to mention, the girls are incredibly hot.
Four tables: athletes, very religious, business students, volunteers
Students are very politically aware. When Chelsea Clinton came to campus this year, I think the students surprised the administration with their turnout when students were pouring out of the room she was in and into the surrounding halls.
Students are normally dressed casual/preppy to class, with the occassional sweatpants thrown in for the 9 a.m.. The athletes are constantly parading around in their sports clothing (especially when they are doing well). Uggs boots, skinny jeans, a Burberry jacket, and a Longchamp bag is practically the uniform for girls. Guys tend to wear just t-shirts or polos.