Bowdoin College Top Questions

What are the academics like at Bowdoin College?


All of my professors know my name- classes are usually very small. In my freshman year I had once class with almost a hundred students, but even then the professors knew me and did everything they could to get students to participate in class. This year one of my classes has six students, and none of them has over 35. Professors are almost always very accessible. My favorite class this semester is a German class called Robots, Vamps and Whores. I study every night. Class participation is common. Students aren't very competitive. The most unique class I took was Tasting Hierarchies, about food in Latin America. German is an interesting major with a small department. I go to office hours with most of my professors. The academic requirements aren't too strict. Education here is mostly about learning for its own sake.


Due to Bowdoin's small class sizes it is very easy to develop close mentoring relationships with professors. Bowdoin has a very inclusive environment and students are generally supportive and helpful of each other.


All of my professors know me well. I really love film (obviously). Im not a fan of math, but I really like my professor, so it make the class enjoyable nonetheless. Everyone studies a significant amount, but its not out of control. I went to a REALLY hard high school and Bowdoin seems to be a little bit easier because the professors expect a lot but give you the appropriate amount of time to complete your assignments. Participation in class is very common and expected of you. Students arent overly competitive. Everyone is really interested in helping everyone else do well. I want to be a film major and the department is one professor. Obviously, she is one of the best professors at bowdoin to handle a whole department by herself. The film major is actually a self-designed major, so I will have to write up a paper on why I need a film major when I declare in my sophomore spring semester. The distribution requirements are very easy to fulfill and encourage you to take classes outside your comfort zone.


The intimate environment makes bowdoin's academic setting invaluable. We have the ability to remain in close contact with our teachers in and outside of class. The academics are taken seriously bu are not overly competitive. Bowdoin's academics are more geared towards giving students a learning experience, but the college provides excellent resources for finding work in fields that students are interested in.


In general, academics at Bowdoin are superb. Like I already mentioned, Professors are very interested in reaching out to students who show interest. If you show up to class prepared every day, ask intelligent questions, and visit during office hours, you're bound do become friends with the professor of the class. One complaint I would make, however, is about pre-major advising. Bowdoin is actually working on revamping its current system, which is a good thing because right now, a pre-major advisor is little more than a signature on your course selection card. I haven't personally suffered much from this because I am pretty organized about selecting classes. I also sought advice from upperclassmen (something else that is pretty easy to do at a small liberal arts school). Someone who might want more guidance, however, might find themselves a little frustrated as course selection roles around each semester. In terms of academic culture on campus, there is definitely a spectrum. You can't survive at Bowdoin without putting in a significant number of studying hours each day, but you can definitely pull of C's and B's without too much effort. A's are notoriously hard to come by. I'll finish this (lengthy) response by saying that in general, I think Bowdoin students have a very healthy attitude towards studying. Sure, some students live their four college years in the basement of the library, but most students end up dividing their time between a few extracurriculars and their studies. As a member of the outing club and frisbee, I try to be as efficient with my studying as possible to be able to compete in weekend tournaments and participate in and lead outing club trips as frequently as possible.


Classes are awesome, see above.


Professors know your name, and really take an interest in your academic success. You can get lunch with your professors, and they are very available if you ever have questions. The English Department does not offer that many interesting classes, however.


Class participation is very common


I would say this is the best part. classes and teachers are the best I've ever had. definitely take english classes here.


My professors have been wonderful. First semester all of them were international, which was really awesome. All of my professors have gotten to know my name within a few classes. My classes are generally between 15 and 35 students, which has been great. My favorite class was my freshman seminar because it really challenged me to think about the world in a different way and interact with people from totally different backgrounds than where I grew up.