Brandeis University Top Questions

Describe the students at Brandeis University.


Brandeis students are for the most part friendly, funny, and open-minded. They are intelligent and driven during the week, yet they know how to let loose on the weekends. There are a lot of Brandeis students who are Jewish (no surprise there) but there is a sizable population of other religions as well; primarily atheists, agnostics, and christians. Brandeis students know how to have good conversations too. One thing that struck me is that the people who know how to have a good time are the same people who know how to hold a conversation on deep and meaningful topics ranging from their ethnic backgrounds to ideas in politics to their futures and what they want to do with them. Brandeis students are also really open-minded with most topics (due in part to the orientation process) and they know how to be respectful of other peoples' experiences and opinions.


My classmates are a support system that stretches worldwide.


My classmates are a quirky bunch of enthusiastic and passionate global citiznens.


Students at Brandeis are great. Not competitive, welcoming, warm, nonjudgemental. Most people are not overly concerned about their appearance - it's a very relaxed environment. I'm always amazed when I walk around campus and see different friend groups around - the groups are so diverse. The thing I love about Brandeis is I know everything about my best friends except what kinds of grades they make and how much money they have. It's just not something people talk about or care about here.


They are a unique set of students that desire to excell in all that they do.


The students at Brandeis respect one another's privacy and are completely respectful. I really don't know what kind of student would feel out of place at this school because it is an open place where any and all students can adapt. The school is definitely not perceived as "jappy" and students come from all across the U.S., Canada, Israel, South America, Europe, and many places abroad. Students wear a plethora of things to class- ranging from sweatpants to nice jeans and sweaters. In the business school students tend to dress a little nicer because they are usually between meetings or interviewing. However, there have been days when I am dressed down, too. Students are not "flashy" and do not discuss money.


Brandeis students are definitely a motivated group. People here care a lot about their academics, but it the various activities and causes students get involved in are the things Brandeis students tend to be most passionate about. For some people that can be promoting autism awareness, for others it could be debate, or something unique like their love of cheese. Brandeis students also know how to have a great time on the weekends, but collectively were not a group that party's nearly as much as the people do at most State schools. The other thing that has always stood out to me is how accepting and genuinely nice Brandeis students are. I honestly feel like nine out of every ten people I meet at Brandeis are people I could be potential friends with. Brandeis is a pretty great place, and that is because the students are such an awesome group.


Brandeis students are definitely a motivated group. People here care a lot about their academics, but it the various activities and causes students get involved in are the things Brandeis students tend to be most passionate about. For some people that can be promoting autism awareness, for others it could be debate, or something unique like their love of cheese. Brandeis students also know how to have a great time on the weekends, but collectively were not a group that party's nearly as much as the people do at most State schools. The other thing that has always stood out to me is how accepting and genuinely nice Brandeis students are. I honestly feel like nine out of every ten people I meet at Brandeis are people I could be potential friends with. Brandeis is a pretty great place, and that is because the students are such an awesome group.


Students at Brandeis are go-getters. There are very few students with only one major or minor, many take on a full course load with double or even triple majors and minors. Sure, students are competitive but they are also helpful and encourage their friends to be the best students they can be. I believe the Brandeis campus is one of the friendliest in America. Students are open and welcoming- you truly feel at home here. Most of the students hail from the East Coast with a small contingent from the Mid-West and West Coast. The number of international students is growing tremendously by the year, especially from Asian countries. The thing that is so special about Brandeis is their commitment to bringing students to this campus from all walks of life. Many students are on some sort of financial aid package to help ease the load on this expensive education. We are an activist campus- although a far cry from the Radical Brandeisians of the 1960s. The campus leans to the left although all students are represented in some form. Being a Jewish-sponsored school, many students are of Jewish faith and there are many Kosher food options, but it in no way dominates campus life. A student can be involved in Jewish activities and clubs if they wish and they are highly active on campus, but they can just as easily opt out and never attend. There are more orthodox students than you would see on most campuses. Although many tend to claim that Brandeis is a "Jew School", the diversity in race, ethnicity and religion is tremendous. There are hundreds of cultural clubs and activities on campus for everybody to enjoy.


We have a very active student body on campus. People care about our community and we really work well together to make it better for the next generation. This passion really makes it a great place to be.


Brandeis is a place with outstanding diversity, even though people think of it as a university filled with Jews. While it is true that many of the students are Jewish, the school has a large contingent of students from abroad, and a sizable population of students who are ethnic or racial minorities. Racism, sexism, and homophobia are not tolerated by the student body, let alone the administration. Brandeis was founded on the ideal of social justice, consequently it has admitted students of color, women, and Jews since it was founded in 1948. It is not a school for the close minded and ignorant. As well, students rarely segregate themselves based off of race or ethnic group. It is the norm for students to have friends from different backgrounds. Brandeis students tend to be very liberal, and while many students are from upper-middle class backgrounds, many are not because of the generous financial aid packages the school offers. Flaunting wealth is something that is looked at very negatively, and the rare people that do it alienate others.


Brandeis attracts literally all types of students from jocks to computer geeks to book worms to political activists. You know it, they're at Brandeis. The only type of person who wouldn't fit in is a close-minded student. The student body is predominantly left. 'Deis Dems, the Democratic group on campus, is extremely active. Most students are from the New England area, or international. There is a handful from the Boston area, but it's definitely not a suitcase school.


The students at Brandeis are diverse, friendly, and caring human beings.


My classmates are extremely cheerful and intelligent people.


My classmates are definitely unique and diverse, a good amount of them are very outspoken while a lot of them are shy.


They seise to amaze me everyday.


Everyone here is really nice and friendly and it's very easy to make friends here!


My classmates are incredibly dedicated, intelligent, hard-working individuals.


Though the Brandeis student body presents a rather diverse group of people, in some ways, they are of like mind. The classmates I have spoken to are dedicated, disciplined, and fun-loving. They aptly balance work and play in such a way that helps them succeed academically. The rigor of the cirriculum challenges the mind of the students and therefore encourages them to study harder. I am proud to know these people; they rekindle the desire to be the best in me.


My classmates are warriors, striving to accomplish their goals as they receive their education, seeking the truth in every subject to better themselves and the world.