Brandeis University Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about Brandeis University?


Sometimes difficulty to have leadership positions you want.


The groups of friends here are close knit and sometimes hard to break into.


Brandeis students are reluctant to interact with people beyond their comfort zone, and the social scene is completely lacking. I feel as though once people have made friends they are likely not to try to make other friends, and that the school is extremely clique-oriented.


People assume that you are Jewish when the hear "Brandeis" and think "stereotypical Jew".


I often feel that Brandeis students can be awkward as well as narrow-minded in both social and academic settings. Many people do not interact well with others, and different types of people separate themselves very early on. Most students find others extremely similar ot them and have awkward interactions with other members of the Brandeis student body (of other religions, ethnic groups, sports teams, majors, etc.). It is frustrating that such a socially and environmentally conscious school can be so closed minded from time to time, especially when dealing with fellow students.