Brewton-Parker College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Brewton-Parker College know before they start?


Deciding where one should attend college is a big, sometimes stressful, decision. However, in all actuality the process is not as hard as people make it. Picking a college is a decision that should be based on several factors. Whether you are a parent of a highschool graduate or you yourself are a highschool graduate, the advice stays the same- look for a school that fits the student's needs. Students needs look different. One should look for a school that seems taylor made for him. No school is perfectly taylored made for each student, however, it should seem that to be. The factors that should be observed are divided into categories. These categories include: classroom, teachers, diversity, expertise, socialization, and curriculum. These categories should be sub-divided based on the individual. Ask the question of each categorie: "what do I expect of this categorie?". Then reaserch schools that fit the individual's unique needs. A college search should focuse on the student applying. One should not settle for a school that does not offer everything to meet one's acedimic, social, or


Make sure that before you enroll in a school, you have asked about rules, scholarships, finances, class sizes and campus living arrangements. I have found that sometimes students jump into a college without having all the information and then they grow to resent the school and the students. It is your responsibility alone to be well-informed about the schools you are interested in. Transfering to another school is always possible, but that may be hard depending on what classes will transfer over. Ask someone if, as a prospective student, you can spend a weeknight with a current student and attend classes of interest; you will be able to learn about the campus from a student and get a more in-depth experience than a mere tour can offer. When you arrive on-campus, attend Orientation. It has been put together for your benefit. I saw so many students skip their freshman orientation and most of those students ended up leaving the school at the end of the semester beecause they didn't know anyone and felt out-of-place. Seriously, friends and connections are made during Orientation. Even if you are busy, go to at least one activity!


Make sure you understand finanicial aid program.


When seeking after a college it is important to remeber that you are there to learn. That is your goal. It is an investment in your future so the money is well worth it. I would also like to tell parents and students to take a chance on a college that you really seem to like. Don't let distance from "home" be a factor. Parents, don't limit your child's educational expereince because the college is too far away for your comfort zone. It is also important to note the stress factor. College has a unique set of stressors that aren't found in high school. with this in mind, look for a comfortable place. You'll make freinds, and meet new people, but don't let things like money, distance from home, and other things get you down. If it is that bad then address them at the begining. After thinking about htese issues, I would sugest looking for a place with maximum diversity in cultures, languages, and nationalities. College is one of the best places to learn about the world. Don't let the chance pass you by. Good luck!


Choose a college that best fits your needs. Decide whether you like small college environments or the big university experiences. Each college has it's ups and downs. You should figure out what type ennvironment would best help you suceed in obtaining your degree and what best fits your finacial needs at the time. Remember the college you start out with is not the one you have to stay with; so if you are unhappy where you are at, do not worry there are other colleges to look at that may better fight you. Remeber if you are planning on pursuing your education further in graduate school, choose a college that you feel you will be able to maintain a high GPA while enjoying the college experience.


It is not very cheap but it is very good.




Parents, you must ask your children what makes them happy. Make notes of their inquiries and ambitions. What is it that makes your child shine? When you understand where your child stands in their goals, then seek out colleges that take your child over and beyond of what they want to in that specific field. If you do not get into the institution you want, do not fret. Take another route by going to school where you know your child will get into without any problems. Then, keep encouraging your child to work their way up to get into the that college or university of their dreams. Futhermore, ask until you cannot ask anymore. Asking makes life so much easier. People from colleges and universities love to answer questions, they will definitely be happy to be of assistance to you. Lastly, know your child's faults. We all have faults, but it is really important to know where your child stands in some areas of academics. In this way, it is possible to help your child back on their feet to getting through struggles and mishaps when things do not go as planned.