What I have gotten out of my whole college experience is that I am around people of all types of back grounds and all types of races and I am loving it. The students and falculty at my college help you out if you need the help. Every day I learn something new and I look forword to learning new things. There is a lot to learn in the Medical field and there is nothing easy about it, so this is why this has been a big experience for me. The medical field will keep you on your toes, and the people that I go to school with loves to help people and I love to help people which is why I got into this field. I knew that this would be something big for me to take the next step and become some one of importance, and I did just that, I will be taking care of people who can't take care of them selves and that is a whole college experience within it self it's a great feeling.
I enjoy my experience so far and I am know convinced to do my very best in order to finish my degree.
Choosing the right college facilitated the adaptation process from high school to college. I grew a lot during this year not only as a student, but as a person. I will counsel the high school students to try to go to a college that may fit their dreams and personality. I am in a college that is providing me a great education and the opprtunity to continue playing the sport that I love: baseball. It has been difficult but enjoyable at the same time. Attending college was the best decision that I has made!
A lot of people say that the years you spend at college are the best years of your life. Those people are right...with one exception. College is only great if you're at the right one. If you go to a college that's not a fit for you, you'll be completely miserable, no matter how reputable the school is. I found the right college for myself (or maybe the right college found me), and I know that I wouldn't be happy anywhere else. I wouldn't have the awesome friends, professors, or classes that I've enjoyed at my school if I had gone elsewhere. But here's the deal: despite the immense pride I have in my school, I would never say that my school is better than another one. It's perfect for me, and for many others who go there. But it's not for everyone - no school is. So my advice to college searchers is this: do the research, visit the campuses, talk to the students. But in the end, go to the school that's right for you. Believe me, you'll know it when you find it.
So far I have been in College for roughly 18 weeks. It has been a rollercoaster experience, from receiving my first ever F on a test, to making an A+ on a group project that I played a major role in. 18 weeks ago I arrived on campus, vaguely knowing only 3 people of about 1,000 students, and had never lived away from home more than 3 weeks without my family. Today, all of that has changed, but more importantly, I am a more confident, self-determined person. The biggest change has been a huge increase of respect and appreciation for my parents, especially their financial gifts towards my education. Still, nuances in my personality tell me I am not finished with college, or rather; college has not finished with me. It has been and will be such a valuable experience to attend college and learn more about myself and the wide world around me. To that end I am resolved to make the best of the gift I have been given and strive towards excellence in all manner of the college life.
Coming out of high school I had no idea what I wanted to do in terms of a career. After working for a few years I went back to school. My ACT scores allowed me to be placed into honors classes. The interaction I had in those classes were the most enjoyable I've ever had. I was encouraged to learn in my own way and taught to succeed. I learned how to use my more abstract way of thinking to my benefit. My grades in high school were never as good as they are now because I was allowed to be creative. I've made so many connections that were invaluable to my success. I became more extroverted and began doing theater, community service, and student government. I took the initiate to run for president of Phi Theta Kappa and helped to rebuild the chapter post-Katrina. I became a new person and am learning to grow every day.
I have learned the value and gained the ability to think for myself. Sure the education has been good and the social interaction is always fun but if all you have when you leave collage is accepted information from a professor and you have not learned to think but instead just accepted everything as fact than you are going to have a tough time in the world. A person who is able to think rationally and solve problems on their own is much better off than someone who is simply transfering information from mouth to mouth. We need more people who will not only think for themselves and search for the truth in matters but will stand in the way of those who are repeating what they have been told is truth. We need more true thinkers in our country.
In my first year of college I have gained so much. I have gained a second family, professors that care about me, new friends, and I place were I am encouraged to grow spiritually, mentally, and emotionally. I would not trade this past year for the world. I can honestly say I have never been so content in my entire life. I have been challenged to learn about subjects that I have never studied, and I have matured in a way that I did not even know was needed.
Being in college has really given me time to evaluate what it is that I want to do with my life. I have had lots of time alone to become more mature and responsible in my personal life and the decisions I make. The private Christian college I attend has strengthened my relationship with God and has pointed me down the path that I hope will someday lead me to being a Missionary in Africa. I want to dedicate my life to serving others and leading people to God, and I believe that Bryan College is a great place to get me started. There are relationships that I have made that I will carry with me for the rest of my life and I know that these people will always be there to help me and I will always be there to help them.
This is the first time in being away from home. I never have been afraid of walking across the campus by myself. I feel the small college scene is the best ever. I enjoy my professors, my friends, and the whole college staff makes you feel just like you are a part of their family. It's been valuable for me to be here at Bryan to really see what college life if all about. We have lots of fun, but the work is just as hard as it would be at any other college. I researched colleges for 3 years before making a final decision. I never had regretted my decision. Bryan College is not for everybody, but it is for me!
Since attending Bryan College, I have learned about overcoming the fear of being on my own. I live twelve hours away from my college campus, so embracing my independence, though it came with its excitements, came with the fear that I wouldnt be able to make the best decisions for myself. Especially when you are trying to make friends, getting use to campus life and being without your friends from home can get lonely. Being at Bryan has helped me overcome that fear that I know I will need for my future. It has helped me to trust in myself and accept failure as a chance to learn. Bryan has helped me to grow as a person and to have confidence in my outlook on my future.