Bryan College of Health Sciences Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about Bryan College of Health Sciences? Why?


The worst thing about my school is the distance that I live from it. I live about 20-25 minutes away therefore not being able to really use the resources outside of class time that they provide for us. I wish that I could afford to live closer to the school that way I could get more out of the library, study rooms, and other resources they provide for us students.


The worst thing about Bryan College of Health Sciences would have to be that the college doesn't have dorms for students to live in when going to college there. Since the college doesn't have dorms they do arrange to make deals on appartments around the college.


I really like the college I go to and overall I don't think there is anything bad about it. If I had to pick the worse thing about my college is the cost. It is a liitle on the expensive side but its true that you get what you pay for. There is a small amount of students in each class and you are able to get more one on one with instructors. This allows better understanding in all subjects and most important program core classes.


My school is full of caring, committed faculty and students. The teachers are always around to help you when you need it. Your advisors know what classes you should take with what classes. They give you advice and make sure you're on the right path. Student tutors are available to help you in classes that you are struggling in. Suffering in silence is not an option at this school. Everyone wants you to succeed and they will do anything they can to help you. I can't determine one bad thing about my school.


As I would imagine it to be with any school, I consider the extremely heavy work load to be the worst thing about attending Bryan College of Health Sciences. Although I think that is expected in colleges and universities of this level. While the work load is heavy, at least as a student I will know that I am very educated because of all of the work and time that is necessary.


The worst thing about BryanLGH College of Health Sciences is the "Intro to the Bryan Experience" class. It is a required class for incoming freshman that is intended to start students off on the right foot. I dislike the class becuase incoming freshman have enough to worry about (anatomy & physiology, chemistry etc.) and they don't need another class that requires frequent essays and does not provide the student with credits.


Having to go for 4 years when I have all my pre-requisite classes done.


I don't think anything is bad about BryanLGH college of Health Sciences.


The marble floors get slippery in the winter!