The advise that I would give myself as a Senior would be to have followed the school that I really wanted to go to. I would have told myself to go to a better school and not worried about any financial needs, I would also tell myself to pick any college. I would have said that I should go anywhere in the world I wanted and looked at other colleges instead of just Missouri.i also would have found more ways to pay for college. A tip that I would have given myself would be to focus very hard the first semester because it means the most, and also that I dont need to work the rest of my life and should jsut focus more on school work.
If I could go back in time, I would tell myself that life does not revolve around high school. When you go to college, nobody cares about what kind of grades you receive, how good you were in sports, or what kind of friend you had. When you go to college, you find people who are just like you. You will find what you are passionate in and you will make it your career. Best of all, your last name means nothing to the people in college. Live life and enjoy it! Stop trying to impress the people who do not matter; Be yourself!
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to relax and enjoy the wonders of learning. Learning can open many doors for my future. I say this because I have recently realized that it is okay to want to experience many different jobs in my future. I do not want to limit myself to one way of life. There are plenty of opportunities out there for me to enjoy. I love trying new things. Which brings me to the next thing that I would tell myself, which is to have more confidence in life so that if I want something I go get it, rather than thinking of all the reasons that I should hold back and not pursure something that could change my life dramatically. Life is about learning. Learning helps me to be the best that I can be. If I would have told myself these things my senior year, I would already be more successful today. But I do not fear the fact that I have just recently realized this, I take it as an even bigger challenge in life that I will definitely overcome.
Keep working hard and strive for big goals. Anything can become true if you put your mind to it. College is more than just going to class in homework. You must be able to take responsiblity and attend classes. Do not lose your hard work ethic and good study skills.
I would've told myself to apply for more scholarships than I did. Being in the Army National Guard disqualified me for quite a few of the scholarships I did apply for but I didn't worry because I thought they would take care of it. I'm now scrambling to get financial aid in order because my college exceeds the tuition assistance the army offers.