Bryn Mawr College Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at Bryn Mawr College?


Some stereotypes are: wierd, nerdy, either all are lesbians or really desperate straight girls, awkward.


One of the misconceptions people have about women's colleges in general is that we're all lesbians. This is not true whatsoever! At the same time, it can't be denied that we have a considerable lesbian population at Bryn Mawr. I think it is our open-mindedness and complete acceptance that make students with alternative preferences feel more comfortable here than they would at other institutions. Bryn Mawr does not collect statistics on students' sexual preferences, nor should they. We are all women and we don't compare ourselves on just that one measure. I'm straight and I don't feel like I'm being changed or that my lifestyle choices are being imposed upon. However, if homosexuality really, truly bothers you, don't come here.


Bryn Mawr students all fall under a similar stereotype that is usually cast upon all students who attend an all-women's college, in that they are thought to be either gossipy, rich, snobby, hairy, PC activists, butch, or queer. Among the tri-co, Bryn Mawr girls are also known to be the desperate oddballs who fling themselves upon every guy spotted on campus.


That we're either man-haters or desperate;


We're all really gay and/or weird. I've also heard that we're socially awkward and ridiculously nerdy. I think the truest stereotype is that there's nothing a Mawrtyr loves more than a good cause! We love to champion other causes, and it's a bit ridiculous.


That we are all anti-social or socially awkward lesbians who study all the time.


A lot of people see Bryn Mawr students as social hermits because we bury ourselves in our academics. Then there's the idea that, because we go to an all-girls' school, we must all be lesbian.


That we're all lesbians or militant feminists and don't have fun, just do school work all the time


We're all stone cold sober lesbians who study all weekend.


militant feminists all we do is work and have no fun take ourselves too seriously