Bucknell University Top Questions

What kind of person should attend Bucknell University?


Wealthy and focused students - if you are open, it's not hard to fit in.


Great school for bright, enthusiastic, curious students who are committed to rigorous academic studies.


Someone who wants to be exposed to people who have very strong opinions, and who wants to form a close relationship with professors.


If you are serious about your academic career as well as having a great social life, Bucknell is the place for you. We live by the motto "work hard, play hard." During the week you will always find students in the library and studying, but when the weekends come everyone knows how to enjoy themselves. There is great school spirit at Bucknell, and all of the students are proud to call themselves Bucknellians. Everyone calls this place 'home', and if you want to feel a sense of belonging, Bucknell is the place for you.


Bucknell University is a place for those who would make full use of the terrific faculty, cumbersome workload, and excellent learning facilities. Whether by habit or sheer willpower, only the students who will work hard belong at Bucknell. It's a place for those interested in becoming a member of a small college town wherein achieving wisdom through demanding classwork is the focus. Of course, there are secondary guidelines, such as enjoying a cold weather climate, loving a relatively small population size, and the need for delicious food in the cafeteria. But primarily, Bucknell is for those destined for greatness.


Someone who is willing to get involved and explore many different activities and situations would benefit greatly from attending Bucknell. There are many opportunities at Bucknell for someone to expand all sorts of knowledge in all directions. From clubs to speakers to research and classes, there are enough options to keep anyone busy, and the person who would get the most out of that experience is someone willing and wanting to try lots of different things.


Bucknell is a school for students like to be involved on campus whether it be through student government, a religious group like Hillel or the Catholic Ministry, or through the strong greek life at Bucknell. Social life is everything at Bucknell, here you make friends for life in your fraternity, freshman hall, and in other extra curricular groups.


Someone who is dedicated to working hard in class and studying hard. But also likes to go out and have fun on the weekends.


A person who can afford it, wants a great education and good job afterward.


Preppy, rich, someone relatively unaffected by high tuition costs, or someone able to get a free ride on some "diversity" scholarship